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KatanaGarrett13's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-28-2005 07:20 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 3
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Views: 9,374

In General Ikkyo Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 01-28-2005 07:20 PM
We went over Akeo and cross grabs all class. I was the dummy pretty much all class. I worked with the black belts all class and I really hurt today when I woke up. I did nothing with my Sensai this class because he was with another Black belt working on his test coming up I think sometime in the middle of Febuary. Then after class we had a long talk about how there might be this CAGE FIGHTING GUY coming to try a class. I alway's thought cage fighting was illegal, but it is acually allowed in some states. When he comes he might be a littlewild, but maybe he will do well.
Views: 1220

In General Last Class Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 01-14-2005 02:36 PM
OMG! Last class we had two new girls in our class and one of the students knew one of the students and was talking to her and he told her two run at the wall and punch it(the walls are padded) and one of the girls ran at the wall to punch it and she hit the wall before she could punch it! Then we started we mainly went over testing stuff and at the end of class we did choke holds, wrist grabs, and cross grabs. It was a great class.
Garrett Tuohy
Views: 1115

In General New Kid Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 01-12-2005 01:22 PM
We got a new kid in our class a few classes ago. I knew him before because I was on his basketball team. I went up to him and asked him if he had ever done martial arts before? He said he had done karate before for a week, and the sensai said he would probably be about a green belt.... I was thinking what? I know no Sensai would judge a student like that. I wonder what he was thinking? Then the next class we had he came back and me and a green belt were talking about the jo staff and the bokken. He buts in and starts talking about al this stuff that's not true. Last class we did sparring(my favorite) and I forgot my mouth guard that day so I had to sparr Sensai. I beat Sensai but I know he let me win. then the new kid sparred Sensai and he was kinda scarred. idk why but I think in was because of how he saw the stuff that everybody was doing , but idk. It was an awesome class and I had alot of fun.

That's all for now,
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