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Karappo Chawan Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 12-01-2009 09:43 AM
Daniel Wilson
My empty teacup, the blog of my more or less newbie perspective through the world of Aikido. Rough translations included!
-Select entries from my personal Aikido blog: Karappo Chawan
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 2
Comments: 4
Views: 13,741

In General Solo Training Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 12-08-2009 09:13 AM
Meh..solo training. One of the most frustrating parts about Aikido.. how do you train without a partner? Sure, you can do the walking kata and you can mime techniques, but is it really of any use to you? I'd say that it is, but not immensely. Miming techniques helps to keep them in my head during some downtime, it at least helps me keep from forgetting anything; and it is a useful tool for helping to memorize the correct order of techniques.

But is it useful for refining your techniques? No... and yet yes. In general, it really isn't that useful for it; at least not IMO. You really need a partner to test ideas and theories on further refining your technique. However, miming can be useful for coming up with those ideas in the first place. Without a partner, you aren't as concerned with the outcome of your technique, and it is easier to observe your motions and perhaps come up with ideas for how to improve them. Surely, you still need an uke to test these ideas out, but I suppose having at least some purpose to it is better than none.

So ... keeping techniques fresh and coming up with ideas for possible refinement. That's about all i've got. And I don't really have any other way of training until we begin meeting again.. after Christmas.
Views: 2301 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "Solo Training"
#2 12-11-2009 10:24 AM
jducusin Says:
To the squats, add: core conditioning (very important!); striking practice, esp. against a heavy bag or padded wall; visualization of technique; irimi tenkan; the rowing exercise; practicing any segments of footwork that you're choppy on; weapons striking & kata; rooting/stability exercises (msg me if you want to hear more). So lots to do to in the meantime (& work off that Christmas turkey while you're at it). Have fun!
#1 12-08-2009 10:29 AM
Rob Watson Says:
Suburi & aikitaiso are your solo buddies. Squats and lunges don't hurt either. Boring, yes, but this type of training is like compounded interest that pays off in the long run like nothing else.

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