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John Boswell's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-26-2005 10:02 AM
John Boswell
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 87
Comments: 41
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In General THE PAIN! (too much time off the mat) Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #86 New 07-14-2006 02:46 PM
Ugh! I'm dyin' here.
FINALLY, I got back on the mat Monday night. Been gone 6 months due to Mr. Baby showing up in the world. (cute little bug!)

So... I get on the mat, here we go: back to basics. New student is on the mat, getting ready to test for 5th kyu. Cool! Easy workout. Not a problem.


I wake up Tuesday and can't hardly get outta bed! OMG! I am SO freaking outta shape, it's pathetic.

/insert two days of stretching and recovery time.

Get on the mat last night. (Thursday) Nikyo Waza! Not only am I going down alot, but going in pain... landing on at least one knee (and those hurt) and now... I'm DYING AGAIN!

Okay, maybe I'm over exagerating a little.

Did learn some good stuff though. REALLY effective henkawaza where we lock the uke down in Nikyo Ura (wrist locked to the chest) then you turn that wrist out and bring your inside arm up underneath uke's extended arm. Then you go Palm Up, Palm Down. Throw that hip in there and watch the uke fly! Was good stuff.

We did several of those last night, variations off of nikyo. Did a sokomen iriminage, kokyunage and a couple others... but I'm out of it right now. Functioning on 6 hours sleep after a 21 hour day.
(chaulk up 4 hours so far this week)

Class again in a few hours. Yeeeesh!
Views: 2900 | Comments: 3

RSS Feed 3 Responses to "THE PAIN! (too much time off the mat)"
#3 07-16-2006 01:12 PM
Karen Wolek Says:
Ow. Damn, I shoulda done a tenkan so you couldn't bonk me. Yeah, only 7 years old. We have grown in leaps and bounds since I started in October 2002. Funny to think back and realize how far I've come. I'm a senior student. How weird is that?
#2 07-15-2006 09:10 AM
John Boswell Says:
*bonk Karen* Now, to quote nobody in particular: "Gee. Thanks." Thanks, Karen. Nice post on the Brown Belt Syndrom thread, btw. Didn't know your dojo was only 7 years old! I've trained with Riggs Sensei for 4 years but our actual dojo location is not even a year old yet. :lol:
#1 07-14-2006 09:24 PM
Karen Wolek Says:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww, poor Bozz! *pats Bozz on the head* Now, to quote my ever compassionate sensei: "Get over it." Hee hee. Welcome back, John. And congrats again.

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