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John Boswell's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-26-2005 10:02 AM
John Boswell
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In General Test Results: Better than I thought Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #71 New 11-18-2005 09:48 AM
Ugh! Test is behind me! Finally! That's a load off of my mind... and it was NOT easy in the least. (Gotta lay it on thick, in case Sensei reads this! )


In truth, it really, really was. Quick side story: Sensei called for three attackers for Futari-gake: one on each arm and one choking me. At the last test, this was the opening of the randori... so after I threw these guys down... they all attacked! Well, that's not what Sensei wanted. He wanted ONLY Futari-gake and for me to do that a couple times...

HUH! Good news however, my randori kicked ASS! Uh! So proud of that. Best one ever for me.

Anyhow, if I have learned anything from this test... it is this: Get tested for the Test ITSELF !!!

I was so not ready for a test. I know the techniques. I know what to do. But in a test, if you flub... you can't stop. I KNOW THIS! And still I did, and then THAT would cause me to panic, make more mistakes, get in a hurry, get irratic, panic mess up more, start breathing shallow, get tired, start to muscle techniques...

DAMN visious cycle.

I really did think the test was a flub with a capital "F" until I got home and saw the video for myself. (Thank God for video camera's!)

Run down:

Katame Waza - Overall it was pretty good. Lost track on my omote's. Need to polish these up more.

Iriminage - totally flubbed these. Dunno what the hell I was thinking here. I mean... I entered, I threw the uke down... but hardly the way I SHOULD have! Once Sensei showed me after the test, what I should have done... I coulda hit myself. In fact, I think I might have!

Tenchinage - Pretty good. Coulda been better, but I've seen worse.

Shihonage - I wanted to do Shiho ALL THROUGH my katame waza! LOL Overall I think my actual shiho's were pretty good. I liked these the best.

Kaiten nage - I almost enjoy this technique now. It sure is getting easier and easier to get to these days. I find myself doing Kaiten when I need to be doing other things. LOL

Jujinage- Not bad. Could be better, but it's one we really don't practice much. For as little practice at this as I have had... I'm rather pleased with my performance. Having a good uke helped too.

KO... tegeshi - By the time this came around, I was so spent. It was ... eh. I CAN do better. I think Sensei knows that. I did pass afterall. LOL (thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou*grovels*)

Tanto dori - Huh? What dori? Tanto what? What what? Can't do what without the what? For not having done any of this for about two years, I'm rather pleased with how these went. Not as fancy as some of the things Sensei can do, but then again... I'm no Yondan, nor do I claim or even want to be! Not to mention his background in other arts, which I can not name to save my life. I know escrima was in there somewhere... ?

Kata-menuchi - These were quick and easy. I'm starting to like these. Used to intimidate the sh** outta me when we first did it. Now it's just," Sit down! (*kokyunage*WHAM!)" Fun stuff.

Kokyunage off of various attacks - Walk in the park. My AAA training really came in handy. We don't do so many kokyu's any more these days. They're exhausting, but fun.

ALL IN ALL... hated my test: until I got home and saw it myself. It went much better than I thought it did or even would. LOVED THE RANDORI... hated the screw ups. Mock-tests? There's something to be said for them.

Now, it's TWELVE MONTHS... and counting.

..........................horizon..........Shodan..........horizon.............. .............
Views: 2928 | Comments: 5

RSS Feed 5 Responses to "Test Results: Better than I thought"
#5 11-19-2005 09:09 AM
John Boswell Says:
Heheh... just messin' with ya, Karen. I'm a goof-ball like that. Thanks Emma!
#4 11-19-2005 08:06 AM
emma.mason15 Says:
#3 11-18-2005 08:34 PM
Karen Wolek Says:
Uh-oh. I think maybe "freak out" means something else entirely down there in west Texas!!!!
#2 11-18-2005 01:19 PM
John Boswell Says:
Freak out together? Yeesh! Karen... I'm not that kinda guy... LOL (Just kidding!... kinda)
#1 11-18-2005 12:00 PM
Karen Wolek Says:
CONGRATULATIONS! See, I always follow through on my promises. <grin> Now you can relax for a couple months before freaking out about shodan. I have a couple months before I start freaking out about ikkyu, so then we can freak out together!

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