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John Boswell's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-26-2005 11:02 AM
John Boswell
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 87
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In General Light Bulb just clicked on Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #87 New 07-21-2006 10:00 AM
I was reading a post and suddenly I could see with my mind's eye just what it is that higher ranking aikidoka do with kotegeshi.

(I know this is going to sound outta the blue, but it is more a note to Myself so I don't forget it. So please excuse my non-sequitor ramblings. )

Standing ready in hamni, uke attacks with shomenuchi (for this example). Okay... nage needs to get off-line, yes. But in so doing, nage turns to blend with the motion of the uke and follows the right handed attack with the left hand to then capture the wrist.

NOW THEN... here's where something clicked. I USED to muscle this whole thing: I'd capture the wrist, keep the energy going DOWN (wrong) and then muscle the uke (arm first) across the front of me. My body motion would be to bring the leg back as in tenkan, plant it (wrong again) push off with my front leg and kinda push-pull with my left arm until the uke got where I wanted him to be.


Okay... get off-line and start the nage tenkan motion. As the left hand is following the attack downward... start angling off the energy to the space where you are moving out of. Angle it down and out. That weakin's the uke because their own energy is now being redirected outside their own balance area... but it is still (at this time) their own energy! NOW... once you have completed your tenkan motion, unweight your front foot a bit (but doesn't have to leave the floor nessecarily) and open your hips up in the direction of the tenkan. If you are holding on to the uke well, this POP thrust of a push will send them flying off to the Nage's right... well off balance and bringing them across the nage.

Uke... now so off balance and pulling back to regain, is now set-up perfectly for the Nage to step in and execute the wrist take-down of Kotegashei (I cna't spell 2day )

On the opening of the hips... I always keep going... and going... and going... trying to muscle the bastage around. But instead of doing that... just POP the hips in that direction. It will propel the uke into a vaccum that you (Nage) have just created!

THAT'S what O'Sensei means by "become the Void." Suck that sucker right into a place where you no longer are! They're helpless if it's done right.

I can see why O'Sensei also felt such mercy for anyone who challanged him. They had NO idea what they were getting into. (Vacuum! LOL)

Anyhow... just a little note to self. If anyone reads this and thinks it is useful, feel free to steal it or share it. If I'm totally wrong, you can let me know that as well.
Views: 4065 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "Light Bulb just clicked on"
#1 07-22-2006 12:45 AM
Lan Powers Says:
The idea of uke being put in "your" former space is part of the dynamic of Koshinage as well. Stretch his balance upwards, then cut through where he is to drop him where you were. Not really levering uke over the hips, just being there long enough to act as a fulcrum for his "passing through into the void" if you will. Just something you made me think of...... Good to have you back on the mat Lan

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