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John Boswell's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-26-2005 10:02 AM
John Boswell
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 87
Comments: 41
Views: 249,857

In General 2005: A Year for Improvement Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #8 New 12-18-2004 09:42 AM
Well, I was up till midnight last night working around the new apartment, hanging pictures and things. My wife and I moved in back in November and we're still getting settled in.

I've missed a lot of aikido classes for this reason, among others, but I'm determined that that is going to have to change with the new year.

Resolutions almost always have a way of never working out, but this year that can not be allowed:

1) I need to lose weight. Anyone watching that "Biggest Loser" show? Dang... I'm so tall, I hide my over-weight-ness very well, but I do need to drop some weight. The lightest and healthiest I have ever been was in California when I weighed apx. 200lbs. I'm 6'2" by the way, so that was pretty damn skinny for me. Dunno if I'll shoot for 200, but 210 would be nice and is a far cry from the 250 I'm at now. Over a year ago, I was 285 and had NO idea how bad that was. I dropped some weight for my wedding in March 2004, and when I went back and looked at video of tests and such... and saw what 285 looked like, I was in total shock. I STILL look huge compared to class mates. I put one guy in a bearhug during a jiyuwaza and it look like someone just threw a sheet over the poor guy. Thank God he had good technique or I might have crushed him! LOL

2) Get to class ON TIME and on a REGULAR basis. Being late has become a problem with many class mates, including me. Back when I first started, I always beat Sensei to the dojo. Now I'm lucky to make it for bow-in. Not a good situation.

3) Study, study, study. I have many good videos to go over, a new laptop to watch them on, books to read up on and work ahead of me. I'm actually looking forward to it, but I need to get on the discipline end and make myself do it. Geez... married life is a helluva lot more work than I thought it was gonna be. Oh well...

There are many things in aikido that I need to work on and I plan on getting there and getting after it come January. Having a backyard now, I can go outside and practice weapons work at home. This should help my footwork for tachiwaza as well, as many of the jo kata we have are oriented toward the tachiwaza.

Anyhow, looking forward to a bright and better new year. Hopefully if all goes well, all this along with other changes will bring profound change in 2005. Only time will tell! Looking forward to this time next year when I can look back on this journal and see just how far I've gone.
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