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Jedi Archives Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-20-2004 04:38 PM
Devon Natario
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 85
Comments: 15
Views: 152,065

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  #37 New 10-31-2005 12:10 PM
Baylen did very well today. We worked a little with the Bokken today and he seemed to get it pretty fast.

We worked on Series techniques as well. He needs to flow a little better, but he's right on track on where he should be. He learns fast. It's funny to think about how far he has come since day one.

I can put money on Baylen when it comes to beating another yellow belt of another style. He could beat them with ease. Now I am not talking about a sparring match, I'm talking a full out no holds barred match like UFC.

I dont sense him wanting to be an Orange Belt badly which is good. He should just take his time and relax and learn it as it's given him. I want to make sure that when he's an orange belt, he can beat every orange belt out there.

I need to focus more on stand up with him, so I have introduced the Muay Thai combos to him. I know I am no expert in this, but when it comes to a NHB fight, it will help him win.

I want Ryan to get promoted, but he still seems to be lacking on the groundfighting portion. I need to practice the drills for guard and mount more with him and show him other drills to give him a small arsenal to defend himself.

I think Ryan will have better stand up and Baylen will dominate ground. If Kyle ever comes back I am sure Kyle will be in the middle on ground and the low spectrum in stand up. Now this means absolutely nothing. What means everything is if they can utilize their strengths to gain advantages.

all in all a good day of training.

If I dont see you, good training, fighting, and stamina building
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