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Jedi Archives Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-20-2004 05:38 PM
Devon Natario
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 85
Comments: 15
Views: 178,208

In General Taking a month off of Aikido Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #5 New 09-01-2004 08:42 PM
Well I decided today to take September off from Aikido.

I know, it killed me to do. Here's the issue. I am taking my next test for Jujitsu soon. I really need help in throwing techniques. Well I just joined a Judo club, and we practice Mondays and Wednesdays. I know I am not in shape, nor would I be able to take both the Aikido and Judo in the beginning.

So I took what I needed to take for advancement (Judo).

I told my Aikido instructor that I would be back next month (which I will).

It killed me to make this decision, but I have to for the advancement of skills in myself.

I love Aikido and most of what it has to offer, but it can not help me in the Jujitsu type throws.

Well- this was my decision. I will go back so it's not like forever. I mean c'mon..

One thing that has annoyed me about Aikido though was the lack of promotion. No offense, but Ive been taking Japanese Martial Arts for 20 years. Aikido has a lot of the same techniques as Jujitsu. But for some reason I remain at a beginner level.

I know, I know. People always say, "Promotions dont mean anything!" If you are concerned with promotions, then you aren't ready for one. etc etc blah blah blah.

Usually the people that took 10 years to get Shodan, pass that on to their students, even if their students are 200% better than they themselves were.

I guess my theory of rank=skill is total BS. By the time I get my Shodan in Aikido, Ill be a 5th Dan in Jujitsu. Kind of crazy. I guess I look at things in terms of even Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu.

At the level you are, you should be doing your level of techniques fairly well, two levels underneath your level you should be doing the techniques like an instructor would. Not as good as your instructor, but as an instructor.

I guess Im ranting off the subject, but hey, it's my journal I can do that...

So now my schedule will be Mondays and Wednesdays = Judo
Thursdays and Saturdays= teaching Jujitsu

and after this month I will be back to Aikido on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Thats 6 days of training...

And on Sunday I shall rest.

Woohoo. Next month will be when I really start getting good.

Ill fly to Arizona and see my Jujitsu instructor and impress him (hopefully) after a year of that same schedule.

Weird... All I want to do is show my Jujitsu instructor that I have taken what he taught me and improved on it.. The things we go through for our instructors. If he's impressed, Ill be as happy as ever.

Funny even after 20 years, I am the biggest student ever, and I always will be.

I dont think Ill ever stop learning. It just keeps going and going and going.
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