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Today's class was once again great. Derek did some review and then we went live.
We started with spider guard and then we covered the different positions that the feet can be in to be a spider guard. The feet can be on the lges, hips, or forearms. You are to grip their Gi sleeves with your hands.
We learned two ways to break the spider guard. First we must break grips, which can be done by leaning a bit forward and grabbing your own chest Gi and bringing it back, or two spin around their ankle and then up.
Breaking Spider Guard
1) Break Grips, release right grip, and grab the leg on the opposite side. Keep your left grip on their sleeve, then open up your arms and pop hips, come around and do knee on stomach. Make sure you keep grips on the arm to prevent them from stopping you.
2) Break Grips, and grab ankles. Fake right and fake left and come to knee on stomach.
We worked on sitting guard again too. We went over the basics and how to move and how to sweep. We worked getting to our feet, and we worked from transitioning from one to the next. We worked three basic ways to beat the sitting guard.
1) step in middle and get underhook, grab their other arm and bring knee over their body.
* To beat this you have to put your left hook in and sweep back. Make sure you grab their other leg when going.
2) Step in Middle and grab sleeve and pull hard to your body. Drive down with right shoulder and roll bringing your leg over and into Oma Plata.
*To beat this, take your right leg and bring it under their heel and step up and push your body into them above their knee
3) Step in Middle and grab under Gi far into their Gi. Then try to move across their body. If they let you, then take their back. If they block you, with their arm, then grab underneath their arm and into your own Gi. Then roll over and choke them out.
*To beat this, use the knee lock again.
We went live at the end and I wanted to concentrate on using the things we learned instead of doing my own thing. I was able to use a lot of the techniques. I actually got a sweep off and I heard Derek in the background, "I saw that, great job. Good sweep." I wasn't really sure if he was talking to me, but he came over and said "Good job on the sweep."
He also saw me charging in on my opponent and he told me to be careful.
Some of this stuff is common sense, but unless you're told you don't "get it". Im glad I am where I am. Maybe I can "get" a lot more than I expected.