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Jedi Archives Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-20-2004 05:38 PM
Devon Natario
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 85
Comments: 15
Views: 163,949

In General Eighteen Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #75 New 01-02-2006 11:02 PM
Eighteen and life and counting, eighteen and life to go..... Sorry, remembering the old days.

Todays class was again phenomenal. We actually worked a lot of basics today.

The basics for both positions.
We worked the arm bar from bottom, the guillotine from bottom, and we worked a simple pass from the top. No brain surgery here, but it's always nice to concentrate on the basics. Working the basics of any sport is a "must". Even in football, you work the basics each year, wrestling, etc etc etc. We worked hand positions, posture, and to "feel".

We went live at the end and I got to work with Felicia. She's got some good skill. It's weird working with a girl and I feel I do not try as hard, but I force myself to because she wont benefit from me being a wuss to her. She's also good enough to get out of everything I can put on her, so no worries there.

Muay Thai:
We worked on the basic strikes on one another. Jab, Cross, Hook, Cut Kick, Powerhouse kick. It was fun and at the end we did drill sparring. I didn't do too bad, but I have a ways to go. I haven't sparred for a long time. I only remember getting mad when someone is winning and I want to fight them. It's my downfall, but I guess I need that sort of drive to do what I want to do. But out of respect for the training hall, myself, and my instructors I must follow the rules. If I want to spar I can go spar on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I did not work out today. I feel like a bum. I missed working out. At least I got to train twice today though.

I was thinking on the way home how I can not wait to start Jujitsu for Christ. I thought about changing it and trying to get set up in a gym, but I feel I would help the community more by doing JJfC. I will ask for donations though. My goal afterall is to make this a business.

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