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Jedi Archives Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-20-2004 04:38 PM
Devon Natario
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Status: Public
Entries: 85
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  #77 New 01-04-2006 12:22 PM
Todays class went well.
I decided to go over the Orange Belt techniques with Ryan today. We covered throws 6-10 and only did a couple on each side. His throws are good and he almost has them memorized. I feel a few more lessons and he will be good on throws already.

We also worked on all of the series techniques. Ikkyo, Nikkyo, Sankyo, Yonkyo, and Gokyo. We went over these numerous times so that he could get a good feel and understanding of these. We did however, spend most of our time on Ikkyo.

After that I explained to him how I would be grabbing him for escapes for the test and he would have to get out of them using things he learned (ie the series techniques, throws, and any other various techniques that I teach). I went over a couple of them with him to begin with to show him what I was looking for. I showed him a couple striking techniques as well from the double lapel grab. Then we worked sticky hands with grips and continued this exercise for awhile.

I went over the basic rules of point sparring, but got sidetracked with things again.
Basic rules of point sparring:
You get one point for a controlled strike to the chest, stomach, or head. (I will add in thigh kicks as well)
After each point is given, you back up and start over.
Full contact Kumite is different.

We moved on to groundfighting afterward and covered the half-guard. I showed him both bottom and top positions.

If you are on top you want to get underhook and push them away to flatten out. If they are flat, you want to angle on their hips and pass over your knee, or get your leg out by pressing with hands. Keep your body very tight to them so you can feel their movement.

You can sweep either way, just make sure you grab their hand so they can not base out.
You can get to their back by fishing out andup. If they leave their hand out, grab their wrist and press your head in their upper tricept to push them down.
You can also grab under their leg and grab their arm and sweep. This leave you open for a pass to the mount more easily.

We went briefly over the defense to the guillotine as well. I want to make sure I cover the move since so many people lose to that rediculous move.

We went live from those positions and he did well. I heard him say that he could not do the move because my arm was in the way.

I tried to explain things to Ryan so he could understand more clearly.

Ground fighting is like chess. I make a move, sometimes sacrifice, to get what I want to accomplish.

I then explained it like this, "If a person has their hands up to block, I have to do things to get that hand out of my way to strike. I have to learn how to adapt to their style of fighting. I do moves to get them to move the hand, so I can strike their face. The same is with groundfighting. There is no textbook that can teach a person how to read an opponent or beat them. This has to be trained. You can "know" every submission in the book, but that does not mean you do them to a "live" opponent.

This is why we train. This is why competing is so great. This is why I love being able to go against as many people as I can. Each time, I learn a little more about how to adapt and overcome. I learn how to win against non-textbook movements. This is why Judo and BJJ are so great.

The main lesson for the day was adapting. This is what you will learn everyday you train with me.

Take care, bye bye then.
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