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Haole's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 11-21-2006 01:49 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 4
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Views: 12,890

In General Day 3 - beginner mind Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 11-21-2006 02:37 AM
Monday 11/20

Mind was scattered tonight. Never really felt centered. Warm up drills were shaky (felt Sensei's eyes on me - rattled?), but I at least was able to keep up with the 8 direction drill.

Ryotetori Tenchinage
Ryotetori Kokyuho omote
Ryotetori Nikyo omote
Ryotetori shihonage ura

Never really got into the flow of Tenchinage, my hands were wondering all over the place.

Had an interesting sensation preforming Kokyuho - at one point my mind finally settled and I was getting into the grove, during the movement when you raise your arms together and before pivoting and doing the "throw" it felt like there was an exercise ball in between my arms - I could really feel it. Once my mind registered it the sensation disappeared. It was one of the more interesting experiences in all my years of martial arts. Was it Ki? Imagination? Gas? lol Don't know, not sure if I care, but I did enjoy the sensation while it lasted.

Oh Nikyo my old friend, how could you let me down.... most unlearn all techniques that I learned in Dan Zan Ryu - way to much shoulders, way to much muscling - Sensei commenting that your fingers and uke's finger are going white due to exertion is not a compliment heh.

Sticking Points:
Views: 1563

In General day 2 - beginner mind Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 11-21-2006 02:09 AM
Saturday 7/18

Practiced a lot on Friday night and went into Saturdays class determined to get it together. Warm up session went good minus the eight direction drill. I need to continue practicing it until it is ingrained.

Class was led by Andy.

We did the following techinques
Shomenuchi irminage
Shomenuchi kotegaeshi
Katatori sankyo?
Katatori Omote ikkyu
Shomenuchi ude kimenage?

Got to get out of the habit of powering through on techinques, this isnt Dan Zan.

Sticking Points:
Power starts in the big toe
Move your center, not your hips
Views: 1461

In General Day 1 - beginner mind Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 11-21-2006 01:56 AM
Friday - 11/17
Haha, I have two left feet! So much for assuming I could walk onto a tatami after two years and have it all come back together.

Luckily the thousands of rolls and falls from my Dan Zan Ryu days paid off. After a few jittery forward and backward rolls I was rolling like a pro.

Spent the class session working with a Dan rank. He spent the time going over some of the fundamental movements in aikido. Nothing to eye opening.

Sticking points:
On ukemi - let the mat come to you, don't reach for it.
Views: 1256

In General Start of a journey Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 11-21-2006 01:49 AM
Last week I started taking Aikido again. Through the years I've been invloved in a few martial arts, Okinawan Karate, Kenpo Karate, Dan Zan Ryu Jujitsu, and Aikido (very briefly)

Since I moved to Hawaii I figured it would be a great place to find an Aikido dojo. The problem wasnt finding one, the problem was picking which one to take from. There is one street close to my office where I could literally hit three different Aikido Dojos with a rock... oh what a great problem to have.

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