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The new person Matt was there, we all helped him, and explained to him that Sundays were different than Other days, as this was an open training day.
Rick and I trained together and went over the entire test. We also did a little demonstrating for Matt. Rick asked me to on serveral occasions. This felt really good, I was flattered...Is that a bad ego thing?
I got to work with Rick on some Morote Dori, which was a lot of fun.
I was noticing that my rolls are a lot better. My right side I have flying rolls! Much to my own surpirse. My left side is a little tighter, and not as smooth, but it is getting there. Back rolls are ok, still need to get the ending better and figure out how to get more energy into going backwards as I do them for a standing position. I kind of run out of steam when not being thrown to do them.
It was interesting working with Matt toinght. It reminded me where I was just a very short 4 monts ago, and what that felt like. I was thinking about this right before Rick and I did some demonstartions of the things that I was going to be doing on my test for him. Then I did some rolling while Rick was working with him. It was amazing to see how much being in the Dojo has done for my physical abilities in the short time that I have been there.
It was good to work with someone that does not know any of the right things to do as UKE it is a lot more realistic. You realize that until you become good at the blending and leading in a marshal situation you would blow the UKE right out of most of your techniques, They would be simply pushed out of the way. NO throw, no super fall, just pushed away from you...I know that at some point this becomes much more effective, because of the way the Victor and Sensei Guide me to the Mat so that I can't figure out how it is that I got there. I just know that I am no where near being able to do that level of guiding and flowing yet...