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Guy's Aikido Journal Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-27-2005 12:33 AM
This is a journal of Guys Aiki path
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Status: Public
Entries: 217
Comments: 33
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In General Conection in Tai Jitsu? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #128 New 10-16-2004 11:23 AM
Evening class one. Was doing the demonstration with Sensei for Tai No Henko Kihon, and forgot about the kihon bit, and stepped through, he laughed, I realized what I had done, and we did the rest of the Demo correctly.

Worked in the first class on the basics of Shiho Nage. It was fun to work with the beginners on these techniques. I was trying hard to get the little jump realign bit working that Sensei has shown us, with a lot of the beginners feeling like I was not very good at the technique. One of them even corrected me, so I did the grind the elbow and shoulder around method of the technique to him, what Victor calls "wearing the Uke like a glove". The Uke really liked this, it was a good technique, and effective, but it lacked that touch of compassion and skill that I can feel just out of my reach with the other method.

Evening class two:
M stayed for this class and worked with a lot with the Yudansha. We again worked on Shiho Nage. It was really a good class. Although at the end I was really tired, and could feel myself making mistakes because I was so tired. I again felt like I needed 1.5 evening classes.

There is a connection that I can feel in weapons work specifically with Noel that I think I should be A> Feeling with everyone, B> Feeling in Tai Jitsu also. However it involves getting out of my body and into the space, timing, and distance between Uke and I, and somehow paying attention to their body, and connection to me, (More than just their grip, or if they are really going for my center or not). While I know that it is supposed to be there, it feels a long way off. The glimpses of it that I get in weapons work with Noel are cool, and make me thirst for more of these moments, but they seem a long way away.
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