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Finding the new path Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 12-03-2005 02:30 PM
A Journal of a new transition
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Status: Public
Entries: 2
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Views: 36,233

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  #1 New 12-03-2005 02:30 PM
The purpose of this log is to docunment my transition into a new chapter in my life. I was jus medicaly released from the US Army as a CPT. I have begun a new career with a new company as a middle manager. I have also begun my long awaited Aikido training.
I have been active in martial arts to a decent degree since my senior year in HS after my final football game. Unable to take Aikido, I took what I could. Karate, TKD, Hapkido, Kuk Sul Kwan, Kung Fu, and various martial techniques leaned through my military education (advanced city streets).
My first class was enjoyable. The warm ups, rolls and falls were fairly intuitive for me. I was suprised in how we jumped straight into techinques. I must keep in mind that this is a new lifestyle for me and Aikido is not a just a new skill to become proficient in. It is much deeper and involved than that.
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