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So I have been back to training for two weeks. That said, it has only been for two classes and the goal is to continue a weekly class for a few weeks, add a second, and perhaps ramp up to three classes per week. With my daughter coming within the next three weeks (and having a 1.5 year old already) I am sure that my wife will need my assistance at home for a few months; so steady as she goes with class frequency for a bit. Important thing is to continue, supplement with daily workouts at home, and to prevent my previous groin injury from recurring.
It is still there...I can feel it. It is deep in my core on the right side and after the first class it felt very irritated. Stayed that way and prevented me rolling on my right during the second class. Important thing though is that class, senior instructors, and Sensei are all about helping me to modify training for now. That said, my goal is to add a little more each week. For example during the first class I did mae ukemi on right and left side (about 5 on each side) well after the warm ups and after having already taken some basic ukemi (falls with collapsed leg backward) during a refresher of the basic kyu 6 techniques. Second class I jumped in line for alternating rolls across the dojo, but could only manage on the left side (my left is very strong) but was not able to roll (or to scared to because of the thought of impending muscle pull) on the right.
I think many take mae ukemi for granted but they shouldn't as for some it is harder on the body than others. Myself, my body shape is that of a pear so I basically roll like a box until I get the edges smoothed out. Ha! This is worsened if I am having sciatica on the right side as I am on 80% of days. Ukemi and waking up the body does seem to 'mask' the pain though. So it is convenient that I am back as a kyu 6 because I know I will be made to take mucho mucho ukemi till I am worked in.
On another positive note, I had made the decision NOT to ask to come back as kyu 4 which is where I originally left off. I will get there eventually again, no big deal, and I get to enjoy the journey from the beginning again. At the end of the first class though, Sensei approached me and asked me how long I had trained previously. I told him and I guess that I kept some good forms over the years and it is amazing what muscle memory does when it is re-triggered. Anyhow, he noted kyu 4 on my new membership card so it was a good feeling.
The Qi Gong and the standard pre-class warms ups at home daily are definitely helping me to feel more strong and stable. Gotta work that psoas muscle right it is every important for a strong core.