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ESCalderon Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-16-2007 08:42 AM
Erik Calderon
Erik Calderon's Martial Arts Program
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 98
Comments: 51
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  #59 New 07-22-2010 09:32 PM
I actually pulled it off. I planned to bike and run this morning, but by late afternoon I was ready to go to sleep. I thought to myself, maybe I should take a break today. I've been working out everyday, but then it hit me, I was just trying to be lazy. So I comprimised with myself, and instead of biking and jogging, I just biked, I only did a 19 mile ride, which took me about 1hr and 30min through the hills of Terry Hershey park.

I'm so glad I made it out, and actually I think I may just go for a 2 mile jog tonight.

The bike ride was incredible, with thunderstorms all around and flashes of lightning with clear skies in the distance. I have to admit that Houston, Texas has some of the most incredible weather in the world. It can be pouring rain, so hard you can barely see 10 feet infront of you, and 3 miles away it's sunny. Just like last Sunday, we did an Aikido Training at Memorial Park, which was nice and clear, but 10 miles away were I live it was pouring rain.

Wow, it's great to have Aikido Friends that are willing to train at the park with me!

Erik Calderon
Views: 2001

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