AikiWeb: The Source for Aikido Information AikiWeb's principal purpose is to serve the Internet community as a repository and dissemination point for aikido information.
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in the immortal words of PeterR .... "and the aikido world shudders!"
hey ,,,, Ive been here 5 months now!!! ....
and how much does holding that make you wanna say
"luke ..... i am ur father!"
hehehehe ahhhh man ... it rocked!!!
but im in pain! ..... much much much pain .... my back hurts .... apparently its new muscles being used!
but i hurt ....much to the delight of some chatters! ... lol who know who they are!
so ... i think im picking it up quickly ... im sure my form is sloppy .... but i was concentraing on not making booooosh noises and acting all darth vader-ish!
(i cannot explain just how much that took outta me!)
ok ... so did some bokken work .... and ran through my grading techniques .... which is all good ....
did the jo throw ... and i think im doing ok ...
(more nervous about do in the techniques in front of people rather than the techniques themsleves!!!)
Im shattered ... my body aches and my brain has died .... (no comments needed there thankyou!!!)
gotta run ...
take ye care
em x