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DmG's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-09-2006 07:45 AM
A New Aikido Journey...opening a new dojo
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Status: Public
Entries: 3
Comments: 5
Views: 14,902

In General News Article, New Students and My Nidan Test Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 06-08-2006 08:23 AM
Finally! The news article came out (http://www.somdnews.com/stories/060206/indybus190649_32118.shtml) It is short, but hey...free press....I can't complain! They did call and said they would like to do a larger story on us (probably when it is a slow news day :~) ). (what am I saying...it is Southern Maryland...it is always a slow news day!)

So, we have been open for just a month, at the new place.....5 new students (2 kids, 3 adults) for the month of May. Not bad, I'd say. You know, they say the clothes do not make the man....but I will say that the place does, sort of, make the dojo. Everytime I look around, I think...wow...how perfect. Not too 'commercial', yet neat and orderly. Not too big, Not too small. Just hard enough to find that it is a 'quest' for people to find (my old instructor used to feel that people that made the effort to find the place would be the same people who were most likely to stay and train). Anyway, our new students are awesome....coming to us with background in aikido or aikijujitsu....which is good for me.....since I decided to take my Nidan test this Saturday.

I had been told to test over a year ago, but travel, work, fears...you name it....kept me from it. I finally got up the courage to ask Sensei about it again, and committed to this coming Saturday (yikes! what was I thinking?) So, as far as I'm concerned, every class between now and then is all about me.....even including the Sword Workout (hey...I'm telling you...anyone that knocked the Forza stuff should try it.....everyone that does my class is dripping and red faced in about 40 minutes....it is a great workout).

Anyway, right now, I'm just trying to control crisis of faith. The other night, as we were practicing 5 techniques from this or that...I thought. Oh my god...I know nothing. NOTHING. That thought is punctuated by nightmares of who might be my uke, what could Sensei be dreaming up for me.....and did I tell you I know NOTHING? <deep breath>

So, keep your fingers crossed for me (or better, telepath me your best technique)....
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