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Cocoon Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-13-2006 01:46 PM
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Status: Public
Entries: 16
Comments: 12
Views: 75,178

In General Stage fright in testing Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #9 New 05-20-2006 01:47 PM
I've taken a look at the 5th kyu testing requirements of the CAF and I know and can describe all of them accurately. Seriously I know them, but when I get up in front of the class I hear U Ryotekubidori Ikkyo and it sounds like gibberish. I then don't even know what Sensei is asking me to do, as nage I can't even think of what uke is supposed to do to me. It is really annoying knowing that pressure of testing is blanking me.

Randori, I know the rules, how I should move, not to use complex long techniques, that I should never turn my back, stop at an obstacle and keep on moving. But, when I get on the mat do I comply with these basic guidelines- no. I do my own thing, and I try to force complex techniques instead of short ones like kotegaeshi, or even to just use evasion with atemi.

When I get up there I try to remember a list of techniques to use and can't think. I know what works but I hate using the same basic stuff and again try shomenuch sankyo and yonkyo, or Irimi-nage techs and even when they don't work at a given angle, I try to force them anyway and get nailed by all the uke. Ego, pressure, etc, these are my enemies.
Views: 2829 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "Stage fright in testing"
#2 05-26-2006 08:59 PM
zenman67 Says:
hello Aiki friend. Do not get frustrated.I my self am getting ready to test. And i some times go blank.Keep an Aiki spirit and keep up your hard work.Your friend (Soon to be Sho-Dan)
#1 05-23-2006 10:30 AM
jducusin Says:
Hey Trevor, If nerves is your main problem, chances are what helped me and the other senior students might work for you: when in doubt, breathe it out. It's amazing what concentrating on kokyu can do to help get your mind in the game --- not just before a test or Randori but during as well. It keeps you focused and sensitive to what's going on internally and relation to you instead of the tension that you might normally feel in your body. Do remember, however, that in the end it's all about mind-body coordination --- a lot of us can visualize or even describe quite well what we want to do but in the moment when faced with the extra pressure of having to move in a timely fashion and with the tension of an uke or two grabbing you, it's virtually useless; ultimately what it comes down to is letting good responses eventually become embedded in your muscle memory and become second nature...and that only comes with a great deal of practice. So don't kick yourself so much if you're progressing slower than you'd like and haven't been out to class on a regular basis...give it time. Hope to see you out more, Jamie

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