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Catsquotl's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 04-27-2005 10:38 AM
Starting a dojo and training cross-country(s)
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Status: Public
Entries: 3
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Views: 14,567

In General Making sense of seminair, Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 05-31-2005 02:26 AM
Hmm Ezra Sensei Seminair last weekend,

Saturday mostly Jo work wich was fun, loads of new stuff for me as have not done much Jo work. We all got some pointers and excersises we can do alone at home to practise our tai sabaki and gain good posture...

Day two I forgot what we did first session because of what happened the seccond one...
Nikkyo all 2,5 hours long from every wich way to every wich way..
We got lectured about the benefits of keeping a lucid mind during pain. recieve pain in a relaxed way etc etc. Also we were asked to keep our Ukemi alive and flexible during well...pain.

At one point I guess I wasn`t alive enough so Sensei came by to let me experience why it would be important to keep lively..
After some (.....6, i counted) Nikkyo`s that were very on... I was in shock.. Didn`t have the guts to attack nage what so ever...Was afraid not to attack for lack of livelyness and another lesson from Sensei so.. I did away with my shock.. trained my socks off and have not felt more alive in quite some time..

All in all a very good weekend.
There was fun and a sort of childlike yoy...
As there were pain and terror..

You`ll never hear me say Ezra sensei`s is soft and lovely.. It`s still soft but its strong and its there......

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