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CatSienna's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-03-2005 01:13 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 218 (Private: 79)
Comments: 51
Views: 372,616

In General Washing with Vinegar Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #174 New 03-24-2008 08:26 PM
I try and wash my hakama once a month and last week since it was the Easter weekend, I decided it was a good time as there was no class on Good Friday, to wash mine. Unfortunately it also rained a fair bit at the time and my hakama somehow didn't dry out fast enough. The result was, come Sunday morning, and I discovered it smelled musty. Eeeooooowww.

Drying it in strong sunshine helped only momentarily but as it rained hard just before aikido and my gi pants became damp from me walking through the rain, the hakama in contact with my gi pants started to smell again.

So back to the drawing board. I tried washing it again last night and did a final rinse with a generous helping of vinegar. I'd rather smell of vinegar than that musty smell. It's now hung in my window so that the afternoon sun will hopefully hit it hard. Let's hope it works.

PS: Guess what: the vinegar rinse worked.
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