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Buck's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-07-2009 09:41 PM
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Status: Public
Entries: 14
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In General Aikidoka's Learning Block Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 09-20-2009 03:11 PM
Aikido being a very complex and difficult thing to do, it is no wonder that we face more blocks and slow progress then in most other martial arts. It isn't something you learn over night or in several years. It is something they don't often tell you, you will be learning this art for many years to just get it down. To be good at it, say like being decent at it, is one thing, but to master it is being along the lines of being a Tyger Woods. It ain't stick-fighting, boxing it ain't MAA, or other arts or sports that you learn very quickly and progress quickly. Get that out of your head if you think Aikido is that. Reality is you will be spending many years trying to make progress comparatively.

What are some of things that get in our way of progression, 1) poor instruction. 2) capacity or aptitude for the art 3) attitude 4) impatience 5) complexity and depth of Aikido. All hinder progression. But, like when learning anything else new we or in Aikido's case at it for a long time, we feel we aren't making the progress we should, no matter how hard we try. As I said before, Aikido is a frustrating art, that have people give up on in all sorts of ways.

What we don't realize that Aikido is something we learn that takes time and we have to adjust for that. Aikido is an art of slow progression and progress. Sometimes it is so slow and without noticeable progression we don't realize we are still learning, and by doing so we are progressing, sometimes it seems to be a millimeter at a time. This is where discipline and patience coming into play. I know it is allot to ask to be disciplined and patient for 10 or more years. What compounds that is that in today's world we are losing rapidly those experiences that teach us patience and discipline. We don't wait like they did in 30 or so years back, or even further. We really have things come to us fast, today then in the past and that ironically slows our progress down.

How To Deal With This Annoying Progression Blocks That Inhibit Our Progression

Well understand Aikido isn't going to be learned over night or over several years. That there is a tough learning curve, there are road blocks in place by default, like your dealing an art that is not native to you unless your Japanese, and even then it isn't so native.
Understand the Aikido learning curve isn't like any other, the curve has a steep climb and has false positive plateau where you feel stuck or can't find answer to move you forward. What your dealing with is a voice in your head setting expectations and goals that doesn't really understand the time it takes to learn Aikido where slow progress is the norm. Slow progress means a more complete understanding, fast learning results in a shallower understanding. If we reframe our thoughts differently, and see the benefits of slow progression, as a good thing, because Aikido has alot to it, we have less of a feeling we are not progressing.

The Thing About Aikido Is….

Think about what doing an Aikido is all about. You are taking another human being and completely controlling them. You are (against their will) having them involuntarily move in directions they don't want to, then depending on the case, throwing them through the air with no more effort then throwing a ball. It is a very complicated and difficult thing to do. In comparison, to other arts, that punch or kick, or wrestle the opponent, Aikido requires more precision and control over the opponent. Essentially the result of Aikido is control the opponent mentally and physically completely at the moment of contact, without drawing blood, braking bones, and causing other intentional harm. That is pretty incredible, and very difficult to do.

I mean, you got to think about it, yes, there are easier and less complex ways to stop some from attacking you. One is a gun, two is taser, three is what ever future technology holds. Actually, martial arts isn't that effective, it is the thing we use when we don't have a gun, or taser. It is the thing one step above swinging wildly to defend ourselves.

Aikido isn't like anything else. There are easier ways to get results, but is it how you do it is what makes Aikido unique.

The thing about Aikido is you are going to experience more learning blocks then in most any other martial art. It will be difficult to get over, but not impossible. The biggest learning block is ourselves, our expectations and need to achieve master as a short term goal.

Once we accept progress will be slow, Aikido isn't like any thing else, it is unique, it is complex, and what you are trying to achieve is pretty incredible, you will find that those learning blocks are really markers of the more advanced learning found in Aikido. Taking Aikido is being in it for the long haul.
Views: 2289 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "Aikidoka's Learning Block"
#2 09-20-2009 09:22 PM
Buck Says:
I appreciate your comments they are spot on. Aikido is difficult, it is easy to get frustrated and want to give up. I know that is what happens to me, alot. Aikido is a long and hard road to travel. I am hoping that I am being supportive to my fellow Aikidoka in saying something positive.
#1 09-20-2009 07:28 PM
Shadowfax Says:
Really good advice and reminder here. Thank you for taking the time to write it out.

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