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Berney Fulcher's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-15-2005 03:17 PM
Berney Fulcher
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 8
Comments: 1
Views: 41,814

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  #1 New 10-15-2004 08:05 AM
I'm not really sure how much time I'll have to keep up a journal, but I'm finding I want to keep track of things I learn/realize as I progress. Sooo...

I'm Berney Fulcher. I started Aikido in March of 2004, I was 42 then. I go to Asahi Dojo in Collegeville, PA, Senseis Mike and Pam Aloia.

I come from a TKD background, so much of this is really new to me. I remember coming in thinking I knew how to fall and roll, but then really stressing my muscles when it came time to do it from the kinds of throws that we were doing in Aikido.

I'm presently 5th Kyu, I tested May 25th. Comments returned from the test were:
1. stay centered
2. try and let the techniques flow- do not push thru them. pushing thru means we are using strength not energy of center.
3. remember your stances. yes it is traditional but it gives us a sense of balance and groundedness(if that is a word: ) )
in time your stance will become a part of you as they are in tae kwon do
4. control your breathing- breath in on the entry and out on the execution
5. stay relaxed and pace yourself. it really is not speed but timing.

1 and 3 I definitely didn't understand what the heck he was talking about. In the months since I know my stances are better, and I feel like I am starting to understand center, though I am sure center is going to be a concept that evolves over time.

We are a new school, currently I seem to be the senior student coming regularly (scary thought). Membership is fluctuating a lot month by month, always lots of really new people to help along through those first months of learning to roll.

All that being said, big time jump to the next entry.
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