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Ash Thompson's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 11-07-2008 06:09 AM
Ash Thompson
A diary of my Aikido journey from concept onwards...

With any luck, anyone looking to study will find this useful ^_^
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Status: Public
Entries: 2
Comments: 1
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In General Wow... Do I ever ache! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 11-08-2008 04:03 AM
All I can say is wow!
Michelle and I participated in our first practice last night!

Let me just clarify that, despite having experience in Martial Arts, I haven't practiced in quite some time...
Long enough to lose my tone and flexibility at any rate!
My arms feel like lead, my legs feel they have 10lb weights tied around them, my wrists were wrenched every which way and I feel FANTASTIC!

I kid you not! Nothing compares to the ache after a good training session. Those of you that are regular practitioners, you know what I mean and those of you that are new, you'll soon find out .
You'll grow to love that pain.

The session started like the others with the exception of me being on the mat, in a Gi and very, VERY nervous. We went along on a "not beginners" night as I like being thrown in at the deep end.
That's just my particular learning style, if you're not comfortable with it, don't do it.

I'm not going to name every technique we covered for 2 reasons;
1. There were a lot of them and,
2. I don't know the names of them all!

All I can tell you is we covered Ikkyo, Nikkyo, Sankyo and Shihonage.

As I said, last night was WAY above my level but I have well and truly caught the bug and so, I believe, has my beautiful wife-to-be!

I know you guys probably aren't too bothered because you don't know us that well but I just want it documented how proud I am of her for last night.
For someone to go into a non-beginners class and maintain her level of conviction throughout the whole class, I believe, is something to be very proud of. I kept glancing to her during the practice (when someone wasn't trying to forcibly remove my head from my body ) and she seemed to be enjoying herself immensely and, thankfully, she seemed to be partnered with the higher grades who can be guaranteed to show control and discretion.

It shows that even a complete novice can go to a dojo and enjoy themselves and be made to feel welcome.

Did you get that newbies? There's no reason not to go!
If you think you may enjoy AiKiDo, go and take a look!

I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to any and all members of Cambridge Aiki Dojo for making us feel welcome and we intend to be training with you for many years to come
Views: 2476 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "Wow... Do I ever ache!"
#1 01-11-2009 07:04 PM
buckweatmts Says:
The "trick" with aikido is as my sensei says, "Just keep walking through that door."

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