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Aikido My Journey Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-08-2010 11:06 PM
Phil Ingram
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 4
Comments: 4
Views: 76,571

In Testing Newly Minted 6th kyu Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 05-05-2010 05:36 PM
Hey Everyone

On the 4th of May I graded for my 6th kyu
It as taken me a few days to go over things in my mind, to be fair it was pretty hard and the only reason it was hard was because I over think things, so my sensei told me not to worry as this is normal but to be fair I thought I blew it.

I know I can do all those techniques but for what ever reason I did not do them as well as I could so this as lit a real fire in me, I am currently sitting on 50 hours and 5th kyu is just around the corner I am going to train even harder and not let my basics get sloppy.

Next time a new more focused person will be grading I do not want to get sloppy or relaxed I want to improve on my basics to get my aikido stronger

In the grand scheme of things I had a little mile stone I know from experience that the first grading is always the hardest, you would think by now I would be used to it but I am not

My whole club helped me prepare my grading not 1 person did not help in some way Aikido for me is like a home I never knew I had with long lost brothers and sisters there to help guide you.

I am so happy I found an awesome club and all you guys here on aikiweb

Best wishes from a newly minted 6 kyu

Views: 3338 | Comments: 3

In General Last night's Training Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 04-29-2010 05:39 PM
Last nights training went very well, I observed a few things last night that I am starting to understand about taking someone's mind then balance also I have observed people not really going though the technique Properly they just seem to go though the motions and I thought well it is so easy to get into that trap even my sensei said the same thing last night, I have decided not to be one of those people so when I do a technique I snap it on it gives a true representation of the technique, I am guessing people do not want to hurt anyone which is noble but what if you have to do this in real life and it does not work, because you have not trained properly you might get hurt or worse, in this case people would blame their sensei or Aikido its self but the true blame must lie at the feet of the student the sensei can only show you and point out these errors but its down to the student to implement them.

My Grading training is going well I am starting to feel the tension on the other person, I am not sure if this is because I am getting softer or I am more relaxed doing the technique but I can really feel a difference once I understand this more I will try capture that feeling by writing it down .

When my sensei now shows us things everything slows down for me it almost like I am looking at everything in slow motion I wonder if anyone else has this kind of feeling its like I am living just in that moment it's a pretty awesome feeling
Views: 1910

In General Path of least resistance Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 04-25-2010 09:37 PM
Hello everyone

Its been a while since I have posted anything But I thought I would share this for you and to be honest this is more for those people who are just starting out in Aikido
Most of you would of come to your own conclusion's on this some time ago so here I go .
I was at work yesterday and I found a quote I really liked it goes "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought."
Now I have been thinking of this since yesterday and with this Quote I came to my very minor discovery, first off what does path of least resistance really mean
"The path of least resistance describes the physical or metaphorical pathway that provides the least resistance to forward motion by a given object or entity, among a set of alternative paths"
Now when you start off in aikido you see the higher grades fly though the air landing with perfect grace and timing (well some of the time anyway )
And you think to yourself I never be able to do that then you see these same grades apply technique and that's all you see has a beginner all you really see is the attack, and then the technique and the guy sucking up the matt.
Now most people ask why we do things like Tai No Henko Kokyu Ho etc its seems pointless and has a beginner you have faith in your teacher and you do what he says and how he says at times blindly the teacher will say things like blend with the other person or try not to get a blockage and try to flow, but if you are not show ...More Read More
Views: 2968

In General My 1st Aikido Blog Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 02-08-2010 11:16 PM
Hi everyone

In my blogs I am going to attempt to keep a true record of how my training is going with aikido I will give you the Good, The Bad, And the Ugly of it all, and also any personal insight‘s I might have along the way.

I have been training for about a 8 weeks or so give or take I did a few lessons before Christmas, after Christmas break the latter part of Jan I got stuck into training, at first I felt like a lump of lead I could not really understand the movements my hands where every where my feet totally deserting me, and I kept thinking please don’t let anyone notice lol how could they not notice duh, but all I got from the club was just real honest to goodness help.

This really helped with my confidence just people helping everyone out which felt really nice no one is sniggering behind anyone’s back’s. So with my new found positive energy I went for it at the start of every class we do ukemi at every possible angle which is a bit daunting when I could only go forwards at one point, we have even had other aikidōka come and join in the class only to be shocked when we started doing ukemi’s backwards etc, so my sensie always says don’t do it unless you really want to the idea behind it is you can take a fall from any angle or position, at the moment I am the only newbie that is even attempting to do a backward ukemi this Sunday I managed to do it correctly a small triumph for me.

At the end of my Sunday lesson ...More Read More
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