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Aikido in Rhyme Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-31-2011 06:17 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 53
Comments: 69
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  #6 New 09-23-2011 08:39 PM
Love is all embracing, love is kokyu, life's breath,
That joins with the universe and puts my soul at rest;
As I stand in the void, the true place of all birth,
Aikido becomes kokyu joining heaven and earth.

And though my soul's in stillness my spirit opens a path,
Of a thousand Buddhas pointing to 'you can be free at last';
Yet this spirit as Ki illuminates and suddenly I see,
Revealed the truth unhidden but residing in you and me.

Now together uniting there is borne the true Aiki,
Ingested, manifested, like the blossom of the cherry tree;
And from infinite capacity to the infinity of my space,
Everything manifesting in a circle and that circle is pure faith.

One true source shows through goodness and I see everybody's sentience,
Whilst Hara fills with compassion revealing the centres entrance;
Through which lies a bridge, on which what do I see?
Someone looking at me smiling and that somebody is me.

I am holding kokyu as a fan and also faith as a bowl,
Then flashing stillness as a spear and Hara turns into a jo;
And spirit becomes a sword cutting through the universe and all is revealed,
Silence, no more doubts or confusions, the way of peace, healed.

Views: 2354 | Comments: 4

RSS Feed 4 Responses to "Universal"
#4 09-24-2011 04:56 PM
Thanks Keith.
#3 09-24-2011 10:16 AM
gates Says:
I liked it too Graham. Good job. Keith
#2 09-24-2011 08:27 AM
Thanks Carina. We will have to call that the Golden Centre Jo. ha,ha.
#1 09-24-2011 02:37 AM
guest1234567 Says:
Thanks Graham for your thoughtful poem, I like that hara turns into a jo but I think maybe we could say hara turns into a tree with deep roots carina

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