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A Warriors Path. Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-14-2013 08:37 PM
A mostly uninformative Blog about my life as an Aikidoka, father and partner.
At moment of typing;
2nd Kyu
Blend of Iwama Ryu and Yoshinkan.
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 6
Comments: 9
Views: 62,910

In General First night back at class Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 02-17-2014 09:02 AM
It's been nearly 6 months if my memory serves me.

Speaking of my memory. It will be interesting to see how much I have more than likely forgotten.


I'm already aching in anticipation.

Will be sure to make a full entry tonight.
Wish me luck ?
Views: 3101 | Comments: 1

In General Skipping class. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #5 New 04-08-2013 01:00 PM
Today has been one of those days, where nothing has satisfied me or nothing I have done has helped.

In a rut they say.

Not heading to class for the very first time ''because I dont feel like it.''
My attitude wouldn't be beneficial to my other Aikidoka and most like be a good training partner and a crap Uke.

Tomorrow will be different.
Views: 3310 | Comments: 2

In General Budo ? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 03-31-2013 03:18 PM
Probably covered numerous times on the forum, but just my two cents.

What even is "Budo" ? I mean, apart from the obvious and literal translation of "martial way", what REALLY is it ?

Budo to me is everything. Truly everything. From my interactions with my partner, child and family to opening a tin of beans. Budo is everything from preparing your evening meal to playing a section of music. BUDO should be incorporated in every aspect of your life, and not just in the Dojo during training.

Budo, and my understanding of it, is about being true to who you are.

Budo to me is not about the coloured belt that is holding up your GI trousers, but about your own understanding of technique, and your place in the universe ((dojo) both literal and figurative). About your etiquette to your fellow students, sempai, sensei etc.

Budo should be incorporated in the work place. It should be what tolerates your overbearing boss or colleagues, yet it should be what fights them, shows them for what they are.

"True Budo does not have an enemy" - O'sensei.

I am far from a perfect student of these ancient arts (not just Aikido) that we are PRIVILEGED to learn, and hopefully pass on to the next generation. But I believe I'm on this ever changing and evolving path to be a better person through true practice of Budo.

That is all that can be asked of you. Is it not ?
Views: 2734 | Comments: 2

In General Sensei Aileen Jefferey. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 03-16-2013 12:31 PM
Sensei Aileen Jeffrey 5th Dan Aikido, Iwama Ryu, 1st Dan Ninjutsu, was and always will be a huge part of my Aikido life, and personal life.

This entry will be about the time I had spent with her, both on the mat and off the mat.

So in the last entry, described my first meeting with Sensei Aileen ''Here''. I spoke about her introducing her self and ''sussing me out'', how she was quiet yet at the same time, made you feel like she had said a hundred words already. She had an aura of confidence and respect, and made you feel comfortable as if you had known her for a lifetime.

Sensei Aileen's technique was, in my eyes perfect. She was agile, precise and deliberate. She could be delicate, gentle and most of all, elegant. When working with beginners, as I remember, she was careful and would discuss what she was doing at every point of the movement. She would make you feel at ease when going through the methods, yet you could feel she was in full control of you and your movements at all times. Her technique was unquestionable.
As I started to move through the grades, 5 kyu, 4th kyu, I was able to follow the techniques and take hard and fast, high break falls. Being one of the youngest in the class it showed that I could be thrown slightly faster and harder, and Sensei Aileen took Advantage of that. Time and time again. The best memories I have of her on the mat, is being thrown by her, or being punched in the face because I forgot to block the Atemi. She actually b ...More Read More
Views: 3612 | Comments: 1

In General The Second Step. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 03-15-2013 11:03 AM
I've not really got the hang of these titles yet have I ?
This entry will be about my first steps into the Dojo and my first meeting with Sensei Aileen Jeffrey 5th Dan.

October 2008. Sixteen years old. Hating the world and the people in it.

It all started when I ran into a second removed cousin of mine who I shall refer to as R, on the way to the local city, the train we were both due to get was cancelled, cue the long, awkward taxi journey, courtesy of ScotRail. Nice guy, socially awkward but intellectually clever. He mentioned how he was still practicing Aikido and continued to speak about it the whole journey there. At the time, all I could think was ''This guy is so full of himself'' (that was the type of guy I was). About an hour and a half later we exchanged numbers and he asked me to come down to the class, I agreed on the basis that I can sit and watch the first night and make my decisions then. We parted ways and it wasn't untill a week or two later, I decided to give him a message and take him up on his offer.

It was a Tuesday night 7pm and I walked into the local Community Centre come Dojo, I could see the class doing their warm up in the crisp white suits, coloured belts and a small woman wearing a ''skirt'' standing in front of them. Obviously this was their ''Chief Honcho''. So I walked over to the edge of their training area, R bowed to his Instructor and came to the side of the mat to greet me. I was told to have a seat and watch the class.
Af ...More Read More
Views: 2518 | Comments: 1

In General The First Step. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 03-15-2013 06:12 AM
So my name is Mark. I train and practice Aikido. Have done for nearly five years, with it's ups and downs.

I don't believe that I started Aikido for the ''wrong reasons'', much like many other people. I began this adventurous path as I wanted something in my life to focus on, to feel a sense of achievement and purpose, not to learn how to beat someone up. Although Initially my aim was to speed through the ranks and be the best Aikidoka and technician in my club, to be able to ''roll with the big guys'', how misguided I was(am).

''There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you still get the same soaking''

I wish that I had realized that this path we have all chosen, is not about getting to Dan grades, being the best, having the best Irimi or Kote. I feel that Budo is lost in modern day Aikido, I think that if we (generalization) focus more on O'sensei's teachings about Budo, Spiritual teachings and how to interact properly with one another, our Aikido will be better for it.

Only a lowly second kyu who's opinions are probably highly conceited and controversial. My blog will most likely contain moans and groans of the situation our Club is in after the loss of our Club founder and Sensei. More on that later.

Co ...More Read More
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