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Old 01-12-2011, 11:47 PM   #1
Allen Beebe
Location: Portland, OR
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 532
Dan Hardin PDX

Dan Hardin agreed to come to PDX to give a private workshop in my basement dojo. This was a follow up for two of our guys that attended the recent California seminar and it was the first time to meet and learn from Dan for a few others and me. (BTW, for those that might wish to get bent out of shape because this wasn't announced far and wide . . . it's my BASEMENT! There really isn't even enough room for us, let alone guests, and poor Dan slept without complaint in the odiferous aftermath of our training.

First off, it should be pretty clear that Dan isn't in this for fame or fortune because we have neither to offer. Secondly, yeah, we all got our prides punched, thrown, and verbally prodded. That wasn't the remarkable thing for us though. That's just the normal way of show'n love around here and Dan has a LOT of love to share ;-) The remarkable thing for us was the degree to which he was obviously and continuously focused on sharing that love and wouldn't be satisfied until he began to see a return on his, and our, investment.

That focus and desire, it strikes me, is evidenced by the recent exchanges here on Aiki Web. I don't recall ever reading a critical review of a seminar; much less one where the instructor publicly welcomes feedback, apologizes for any misunderstandings, and suggests a continuance of communication and interaction for the sake of clarification and understanding. If this were to become the norm for instructional seminars, it would, I believe, significantly change Aikido for the better.

I maintain many delusions, but at least not the delusion that I don't suck. Therefore, it came as no surprise to discover that I suck in many ways unbeknownst to me before Dan's visit. So I'll continue to train, a bit differently now, and suck, but in new and different ways. Perhaps I will improve, and discover whole new vistas in which I can suck further. I hope so.

I talked with Dan on the phone today, following up on the workshop and asking a bunch of questions about training stuff for about an hour until I needed to go. We trained in the basement today . . . boy do I suck!

But you know that's okay. I have hope, and that hope is supported by the fact of progress made in a short period of time (just a weekend) and by someone that cares enough to cross the country and back so that we "get it."

I also enjoyed conversing with Dan over dinner. We talked about this stuff and about other important things in our lives. One might wonder what that has to do with anything, but to my mind, without the human element, without relationship, all the rest is of no value at all.

For the sake of transparency and balance I will say this: Dan made my 6-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son cry.

They didn't want him to leave.

Thanks Dan!

~ Allen Beebe
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Old 01-13-2011, 01:04 AM   #2
mathewjgano's Avatar
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Re: Dan Hardin PDX

That was really nicely put. Thank you for sharing.
Take care,

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Old 01-13-2011, 07:13 AM   #3
Dojo: Aiki Kurabu
Location: Elizabethtown, PA
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 1,110
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Hi Allen, welcome to the "We Suck" club

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Old 01-13-2011, 08:38 AM   #4
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Allen Beebe wrote: View Post
....This was a follow up for two of our guys that attended the recent California seminar and it was the first time to meet and learn from Dan for a few others and me.
Hey there bud
Well actually more like four if you include Jeremy and Steve.I know they're not your group, but they were part of my goal of supporting previous attendees in their progress.

First off, it should be pretty clear that Dan isn't in this for fame or fortune because we have neither to offer. Secondly, yeah, we all got our prides punched, thrown, and verbally prodded. That wasn't the remarkable thing for us though. That's just the normal way of show'n love around here and Dan has a LOT of love to share ;-) The remarkable thing for us was the degree to which he was obviously and continuously focused on sharing that love and wouldn't be satisfied until he began to see a return on his, and our, investment.
Well wait up. Don't sell yourself short. Trust me. I would not have offered that to just anyone.

That focus and desire, it strikes me, is evidenced by the recent exchanges here on Aiki Web. I don't recall ever reading a critical review of a seminar; much less one where the instructor publicly welcomes feedback, apologizes for any misunderstandings, and suggests a continuance of communication and interaction for the sake of clarification and understanding. If this were to become the norm for instructional seminars, it would, I believe, significantly change Aikido for the better.
Oh I cannot TELL you the coments I am getting from other teachers; texts, emails, phone calls...oy!
The most common "Can you imagine if people wrote what they really thought about attending some of the big guns seminars...and what they did and didn't get out of them." We certainly know what they say in private.

Perhaps I will improve, and discover whole new vistas in which I can suck further. I hope so.
...I have hope, and that hope is supported by the fact of progress made in a short period of time (just a weekend) and by someone that cares enough to cross the country and back so that we "get it."
Well remember, this is not new for me, I have been teaching people for a very long time and producing actuall results. No one who actually does the work... does not actually improve
IF you continue to see me you will continue to improve. We will both draw it out of you..guaranteed.

....to my mind, without the human element, without relationship, all the rest is of no value at all.
Funny to hear you bring that up. While it gets poo pooed here everytime it is brought up, almost like it's a swear...it is amazing me to how many times I keep hearing that issue raised. And mostly from other teachers.

For the sake of transparency and balance I will say this: Dan made my 6-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son cry.
They didn't want him to leave.
Well we all take back memories of seminars. The most enduring for me will not be you guys, will not be your successes or failures..the long talks and so forth...it will be the sound of your little boy calling from the stairs "Da..aan" and enjoying the dinner your daughter prepared for us!
Ellis has a wonderful story, best told by him..of a lovely Aikido teacher who once said to him. "Ellis you are tough and strong but let me tell you about my budo. When I was sick I had people to look after my things, feed my cat and come to visit me and see me well. Who do you have?" Of course Ellis has plenty of friends too but it stands as a powerful statement that in the end...budo can deliver more than just a better way to fight, in this thing we call life.
Otake, one of worlds finest Koryu experts says "Budo is about living well."
All the best
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Old 01-13-2011, 11:48 AM   #5
Thomas Campbell
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 407
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Allen Beebe wrote: View Post
without the human element, without relationship, all the rest is of no value at all.

For the sake of transparency and balance I will say this: Dan made my 6-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son cry.
For shame, Dan. I've seen you make grown men cry, but children?!

They didn't want him to leave.

Thanks Dan!
Oh. Never mind.

Sounds like a good experience in bridgebuilding and training. Kudos to Dan and to the folks who trained at Allen's.

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Old 01-13-2011, 12:30 PM   #6
Mark Kruger
Dojo: Aikido of Eugene
Location: Eugene/Springfield, Oregon
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 40
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Having been to your basement dojo, I understand why you didn't invite me. I'm still sad.

Perhaps we can talk Dan into providing some instruction at a larger place (I could arrange for space, but it would be in Eugene).

Mark Kruger
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Old 01-13-2011, 02:22 PM   #7
Howard Popkin
Dojo: www.pbjjc.com
Location: Long Island, NY
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 700
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Hey Al,

Thanks for posting. There are many of us in the "I Suck" club, so no worries.

Hope to see you soon.

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Old 01-13-2011, 03:36 PM   #8
Keith Larman
Dojo: AIA, Los Angeles, CA
Location: California
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,604
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

I just remember one of my sensei yelling at a guy years ago who was always making excuses for making mistakes.

"If you don't suck why the hell are you taking classes? Admit it -- we all suck and we train so we suck less! So shut up and train!"

I'm jealous -- you guys have all the fun. With all the guys in Southern California we need to have a periodic set of seminars so all of us who train too much and still suck can compare how badly we suck on a more regular basis. Lord knows II'm startin' over on so many things right now...

Empty cup, try again. Damnit. Empty it again, try again. Argh. Empty cup... Lather, rinse, repeat...

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Old 01-13-2011, 03:49 PM   #9
Allen Beebe
Location: Portland, OR
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 532
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Mark Kruger wrote: View Post
Having been to your basement dojo, I understand why you didn't invite me. I'm still sad.

Perhaps we can talk Dan into providing some instruction at a larger place (I could arrange for space, but it would be in Eugene).
I'm glad to hear that you understand why it was just my basement rats and a couple of local follow up seminar attendees.

Dan can do larger venues, keeping in mind that even in these cases he chooses to limit the number of attendees, even though it means a loss of revenue to himself. He limits the numbers because he really wants folks to "get it" and believes that the number of people that can be effectively taught at one time has a limit.

I'm sure you can understand and appreciate that.

Of course, Mark, if Dan stops coming to my basement, my children and I, and whoever else I can convince, are going to hold you personally responsible and hate you forever and ever! AND, you'll never be invited back to enjoy the dank and musty charm of my basement! (Tearing at my clothes, spitting on the ground, giving you the evil eye.) Just say'n . . . for clarity's sake.

~ Allen Beebe
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Old 01-13-2011, 03:58 PM   #10
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Keith Larman wrote: View Post
I just remember one of my sensei yelling at a guy years ago who was always making excuses for making mistakes.

"If you don't suck why the hell are you taking classes? Admit it -- we all suck and we train so we suck less! So shut up and train!"

I'm jealous -- you guys have all the fun. With all the guys in Southern California we need to have a periodic set of seminars so all of us who train too much and still suck can compare how badly we suck on a more regular basis. Lord knows II'm startin' over on so many things right now...

Empty cup, try again. Damnit. Empty it again, try again. Argh. Empty cup... Lather, rinse, repeat...
I get to a point where if people keep making the same mistakes I tell them "I am not going to fix you anymore. I'm sick of repeating myself. I have better things to do with my time. I'm going to go work with the other guys" When that gets their attention I say "Tell me the rules to put yourself together or do a waza!"
I then make them recite them.
1. When they are correct I give em a hard time for not doing it themselves without me....no excuses right? They knew all along
2, If they don't know I give them a hard time for not writing it down or memorizing what they have heard me say ten thousand times...no excuses right? Repeating the same error over and over when you are not under pressure is just plain dumb.
3. If they are not doing the solo work I make them do it there and then..sort of like skipping class ..while in class.
When you put people on the spot..they tend to step up to the demands and think for themselves.
I then ask them to come back next time and present and teach.
It's the only way to make people own it and think their way through these things
Of course I don't mean people only training with me once or twice or even occasionally, but rather those who have become serious with me..
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Old 01-13-2011, 04:08 PM   #11
Allen Beebe
Location: Portland, OR
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 532
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Thanks for the kind responses everyone!

At the risk of sounding like I'm suggesting uniforms, or worse still, patches (I swear someone wearing patches abused me in a former life!), how about t-shirts?

In order that they NOT be uniform, maybe at the next get together everyone could sport a personalized t/or sweat shirt of their own creation.

"I suck."
"I suck better."
"Got suck?"
"Just suck!"
"You think you suck?!?"
"No that isn't sticky Aiki, I just suck!"


"If that was just a tap, I don't want to know what a Hardin feels like!"

or how about

"In training to be a legend like Name of your art's legend here.

well you get the idea. I think it would be cool to see what everyone came up with. But I'm weird like that.

~ Allen Beebe
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Old 01-13-2011, 04:22 PM   #12
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Allen Beebe wrote: View Post
Thanks for the kind responses everyone!

At the risk of sounding like I'm suggesting uniforms, or worse still, patches (I swear someone wearing patches abused me in a former life!), how about t-shirts?

In order that they NOT be uniform, maybe at the next get together everyone could sport a personalized t/or sweat shirt of their own creation.

"I suck."
"I suck better."
"Got suck?"
"Just suck!"
"You think you suck?!?"
"No that isn't sticky Aiki, I just suck!"


"If that was just a tap, I don't want to know what a Hardin feels like!"

or how about

"In training to be a legend like Name of your art's legend here.

well you get the idea. I think it would be cool to see what everyone came up with. But I'm weird like that.
Well I've got two of my own.
1. "But I didn't do anything
2. "House of pillows" Given to me by one of my guys it was Andy's nickname of what has become of my dojo since all the outsiders started coming and we stopped doing what we used to do...yup ya''ll know who you are!!

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Old 01-13-2011, 05:12 PM   #13
Allen Beebe
Location: Portland, OR
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 532
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
I get to a point where if people keep making the same mistakes I tell them "I am not going to fix you anymore. I'm sick of repeating myself. I have better things to do with my time. I'm going to go work with the other guys" When that gets their attention I say "Tell me the rules to put yourself together or do a waza!"
I then make them recite them.
1. When they are correct I give em a hard time for not doing it themselves without me....no excuses right? They knew all along
2, If they don't know I give them a hard time for not writing it down or memorizing what they have heard me say ten thousand times...no excuses right? Repeating the same error over and over when you are not under pressure is just plain dumb.
3. If they are not doing the solo work I make them do it there and then..sort of like skipping class ..while in class.
When you put people on the spot..they tend to step up to the demands and think for themselves.
I then ask them to come back next time and present and teach.
It's the only way to make people own it and think their way through these things
Of course I don't mean people only training with me once or twice or even occasionally, but rather those who have become serious with me..
Ah well, now you see it is the beginning of the end. Clearly you are unaware of Modern Educational Methodology. All that talk about "responsibility" and such is very "old school" and is very bad for an individual's self-esteem. Your goal should be for individuals to hold themselves in unconditionally high esteem. Then they can be happy and proud know matter what they choose to do, or not do. You will have empowered (I love that word. I get power from outside myself and THAT makes me feel powerful?) them to hold their head up high and say, "Lay down your arms wrong doer and leave me be or you will be responsible for robbing me of the self-confidence and self-assuredness for which I am entitled because . . . I am!

Now, since you were so kind as to help me, let me help you by bringing you up to date on modern rules:

1: No student or any party related to a student is responsible for their own education or the results of any educational effort they may, or may not choose to make.

2: Teachers are to be solely responsible for a student's education, the results of their education,and pretty much all other aspects of a student's well being (Unless of course they should over step their bounds and show too much concern, at which point they are solely responsible for any damage that may occur (hurt feelings and the like) should a student or party related to a student perceive themselves to be slighted in anyway due a teacher taking responsibility for something that they (the student or related party) perceive themselves to be solely entitled to be responsible for. In which case you will be informed retroactively and still be held responsible.) Additionally Teachers are solely responsible for any and all factors out of their control, such as, but not limited to, the educational process, the results of any educational effort students or any party related to a student may, or may not, choose to make.

3: At no point in time should a teacher make a student, or any party related to a student actually responsible, or perceive themselves to be responsible for their education, or the results of their educational efforts, or lack their of. Therefore at no point in time should a student or any party related to a student be made aware of any shortcomings whatsoever. This cannot be stressed enough.

4: Due to the fact of the responsibilities that you bear as a Teacher, if at any point in time a student, a party related to a student, or parties not related to students are not pleased with anything for which you are responsible they can, and will, publicly criticize and or ridicule you, continue to tell you what to do and not to do while continuing to hold you responsible for for the outcome of those actions or non-actions, and call for fiscal and other penalties to be levied against you.

5: Any positive results must be recognized as all due to the efforts and abilities of your students and any parties related to the students.

6: In some cases, you might be able to stop working (without pay of course) for a period of time if you don't like these rules, but you HAVE to go back to work under the conditions of our choosing if we tell you that you have to and you should in no way let your personal feelings about that be known to your students or any parties related to the students.

There! I hope that helps Dan.

~ Allen Beebe
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Old 01-13-2011, 09:31 PM   #14
Dojo: Aiki Kurabu
Location: Elizabethtown, PA
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 1,110
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Howard Popkin wrote: View Post
Hey Al,

Thanks for posting. There are many of us in the "I Suck" club, so no worries.

Hope to see you soon.

Collectivity it is the "We Suck" club - I did not start it, but I can certainly be the poster child for it

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Old 01-13-2011, 09:39 PM   #15
gdandscompserv's Avatar
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Re: Dan Hardin PDX

I always knew you were a teddy bear Dan!

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Old 01-13-2011, 09:44 PM   #16
Dojo: Aiki Kurabu
Location: Elizabethtown, PA
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 1,110
Re: Dan Hardin PDX

Allen Beebe wrote: View Post
Ah well, now you see it is the beginning of the end. Clearly you are unaware of Modern Educational Methodology. All that talk about "responsibility" and such is very "old school" and is very bad for an individual's self-esteem. Your goal should be for individuals to hold themselves in unconditionally high esteem. Then they can be happy and proud know matter what they choose to do, or not do. You will have empowered (I love that word. I get power from outside myself and THAT makes me feel powerful?) them to hold their head up high and say, "Lay down your arms wrong doer and leave me be or you will be responsible for robbing me of the self-confidence and self-assuredness for which I am entitled because . . . I am!

Now, since you were so kind as to help me, let me help you by bringing you up to date on modern rules:

1: No student or any party related to a student is responsible for their own education or the results of any educational effort they may, or may not choose to make.

2: Teachers are to be solely responsible for a student's education, the results of their education,and pretty much all other aspects of a student's well being (Unless of course they should over step their bounds and show too much concern, at which point they are solely responsible for any damage that may occur (hurt feelings and the like) should a student or party related to a student perceive themselves to be slighted in anyway due a teacher taking responsibility for something that they (the student or related party) perceive themselves to be solely entitled to be responsible for. In which case you will be informed retroactively and still be held responsible.) Additionally Teachers are solely responsible for any and all factors out of their control, such as, but not limited to, the educational process, the results of any educational effort students or any party related to a student may, or may not, choose to make.

3: At no point in time should a teacher make a student, or any party related to a student actually responsible, or perceive themselves to be responsible for their education, or the results of their educational efforts, or lack their of. Therefore at no point in time should a student or any party related to a student be made aware of any shortcomings whatsoever. This cannot be stressed enough.

4: Due to the fact of the responsibilities that you bear as a Teacher, if at any point in time a student, a party related to a student, or parties not related to students are not pleased with anything for which you are responsible they can, and will, publicly criticize and or ridicule you, continue to tell you what to do and not to do while continuing to hold you responsible for for the outcome of those actions or non-actions, and call for fiscal and other penalties to be levied against you.

5: Any positive results must be recognized as all due to the efforts and abilities of your students and any parties related to the students.

6: In some cases, you might be able to stop working (without pay of course) for a period of time if you don't like these rules, but you HAVE to go back to work under the conditions of our choosing if we tell you that you have to and you should in no way let your personal feelings about that be known to your students or any parties related to the students.

There! I hope that helps Dan.
Six core reasons why no one is learning anything today - it is the " I am not responsible for anything generation - you all owe me, even though I did nothing to deserve it" crowd... sad state of affairs...

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