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Old 03-29-2001, 08:23 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 482
This isn't a real thread, the real one disappeared today ... *poof*.

This is aikidoka cyberspace!

Spoo... Ki!

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Old 03-30-2001, 01:13 AM   #2
Dojo: Aikido of Dallas
Location: Dallas
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Posts: 123
it's gremlins

Jim23 wrote:
This isn't a real thread, the real one disappeared today ... *poof*.

This is aikidoka cyberspace!

Spoo... Ki!
They've got a union you know and strike when least expected.

Kelly Christiansen

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Old 03-30-2001, 05:50 AM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 482
Re: it's gremlins

crystalwizard wrote:

They've got a union you know and strike when least expected.
I guess so.

So Nick was right, these things do actually happen.

Remember, all generalizations are false
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Old 03-30-2001, 06:55 AM   #4
Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 135
Dead horse thread

And just how long did you intend to beat that dead horse anyway?

-Dan P. - Mongo
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Old 03-30-2001, 07:13 AM   #5
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 482
Do you mean why do I reply to other people's posts? Kinda like this?


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Old 03-30-2001, 10:12 AM   #6
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Posts: 135
No, I was talking about the whole original thread in general. That one just seemed to go way beyond what was useful. Know what I mean...?

Dan P. - Mongo
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Old 03-30-2001, 10:25 AM   #7
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 482

You mean you didn't like it?

Seriously, threads have a way of twisting and turning and they don't often stick to their original intent.

Besides, people keep posting and threads keep getting longer.

It's my opinion that beginners learn a lot here (because of the site, not really because of the posts) and others come to voice their opinion. Period.

Like I just did.


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Old 03-30-2001, 10:42 AM   #8
akiy's Avatar
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Hi Jim,

Sorry the original thread seems to have disappeared. It's probably due to the Forums hiccup that happened yesterday...

What was your original question in this thread, though? If I remember correctly, you weren't questioning the effectiveness of aikido (as the title you chose to use may mislead people to believe was your intent) but you were wondering why people questioned aikido's effectiveness. Is this correct?

Just thought I'd provide some context to this thread which, so far, has no aikido content whatsoever in my mind...

-- Jun

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Old 03-30-2001, 11:36 AM   #9
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Thanks Jun,

It was that and more. I was really questioning the different views and the "infighting" that I've come across in this forum. Confused the heck out of me. You can be right and wrong and your own grandpa, all at the same time.

I think that I'm now better educated (with regards to aikido) than I was before - or maybe I should say streetwise.


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Old 03-30-2001, 11:41 AM   #10
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 82
Jim23 wrote:
Thanks Jun,

It was that and more. I was really questioning the different views and the "infighting" that I've come across in this forum. Confused the heck out of me. You can be right and wrong and your own grandpa, all at the same time.

I think that I'm now better educated (with regards to aikido) than I was before - or maybe I should say streetwise.

The more I read this, the more I see that my Sempai is right about not reading online Aikido forums.

I came to realize that those of us who actually _post_ on regular basis, are by default full of shit.

So, since I don't want to be full of shit (or at least people knowing about it, hehe), I will not post anymore.


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Old 03-30-2001, 12:56 PM   #11
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Posts: 135

No, I think it started out with good intentions, but like many threads, it drifted into some strange discussion on everything but the initial topic itself.

On a personal note Jim23, I really believe the more time you spend training in this art, the less you will rely on forums like this for your information and education. Good luck in your training, I really wish you all the best. Some advise given to my friend I'll now share with you: One must find their own Aikido, and that can only come from continuous practice, not by posting questions / issues to forums....

People new to Aikido will actually learn very little here besides others views. That is not the fault of the forum, just the nature of the art. Forums like this one really serve to confuse the beginner as everyones Aikido is as different as the individuals themselves.

I usually came here in hopes of reading legitimate posts from the really gifted senseis that drop in once in awhile, but that too has diminished to such a level that it's not worth checking in on anymore. I guess I'd just rather spend my time training.

Jun -

Good luck with this website. Your intentions and hard work maintaining this site are very commendable and I realize you cannot be held accountable for the "moronic" and repetitive posts that show up. I hope we meet up at a seminar some day, I think I'd really enjoy training with you. If you're ever in Orlando, please stop by the Shindai Aikikai, we'll have some fun attacking Hooker sensei and finding out just how much we don't know yet !

Good luck in all your future endeavors, budo and otherwise!

Daniel C. Pokorny
Associate Instructor - Iaijutsu
Shindai Aikikai
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Old 03-30-2001, 01:12 PM   #12
Dojo: Bond Street Dojo
Location: New York
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 23
DiNalt wrote:

The more I read this, the more I see that my Sempai is right about not reading online Aikido forums.

I came to realize that those of us who actually _post_ on regular basis, are by default full of shit.

So, since I don't want to be full of shit (or at least people knowing about it, hehe), I will not post anymore.


If I take your post at face value, I guess I'm yelling down a well here, but why do you have this opinion? I have found some of the regular posters to be quite intelligent and in some cases even (dare I say it) wise .

Yes, a few regulars seem to have an axe to grind, a flame to bait or a troll to...um... troll(?), but most of us just seem to want to engage in intelligent, adult "conversation". I don't think that you'll ever be accused of being full of shit if you don't act the part.

Of course, there is always the tenet of "better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." But a silent world would be a boring place.

Al Foote III
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Old 03-30-2001, 01:41 PM   #13
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 482
Re: Bye...

Mongo wrote:

I really believe the more time you spend training in this art, the less you will rely on forums like this for your information and education........Forums like this one really serve to confuse the beginner as everyones Aikido is as different as the individuals themselves.

I agree with you except for one point.

You must admit that in this "internet age" you are able to access massive amounts of information VERY quickly. I've learnt more aikido history and "theory" (and opinions) in such a short period of time it's mind boggling (wherein probably lies part of the problem).

I also admit that forums do confuse the beginner (at first), however, when you get past that, I think you're further ahead based on your newly aquired knowledge.

As far as other aikido forums go, I find them pretty stuffy and boring. Essentially, people do the same that they do here: pontificate. They just tend to be more long-winded elsewhere.

Hope I didn't confuse anyone.


Remember, all generalizations are false
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Old 03-31-2001, 05:30 PM   #14
Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 563
The more you know, the less you understand-- I believe that's from the Tao te Ching, though I'll have to look. Anyways, I don't post on here to necessarily learn anything about aikido. This forum has an interesting and diverse bunch-- I disagree with ya sometimes, but I got no grudge against you-- Aleksey, I was sad to hear you won't be around... I really enjoyed your posts. If you check back and see this, please know that I wish you the best of luck in your aikido and in whatever else you try your hand at. And also, Jim-- it's late and I'm tired, and wasn't sure what you said I was 'right' about at the beginning-- I'm not right about too much, so could you kindly clear it up for me?


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Old 03-31-2001, 05:46 PM   #15
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Posts: 482
Nick wrote:
And also, Jim-- it's late and I'm tired, and wasn't sure what you said I was 'right' about at the beginning-- I'm not right about too much, so could you kindly clear it up for me?


Hey Nick,

Wish I could answer you, but I'm really not sure what you are referring to.

Earlier, I had referred to your maturity for a fourteen-year-older, based on some of your posts.

You sometimes seem more mature than some of the adults here.


Remember, all generalizations are false
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Old 03-31-2001, 06:35 PM   #16
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Posts: 563
Re: Re: it's gremlins

Jim23 wrote:

So Nick was right, these things do actually happen.
This is the one I was asking about... kinda had me confused... like I said, I'm not right about thing incredibly often :-).


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Old 04-04-2001, 02:42 PM   #17
Jim ashby
Dojo: Phoenix Coventry
Location: Coventry, England
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Posts: 303
Does it really work

I once wrote in a birthday card to my Sensei "if all I had learnt was Aikido, it would have been a waste of time". My time in Aikido (over ten years now, where did it go?) I have buried both my parents, lost my job, nearly lost my house and all the time I have had the Aikido and the camaraderie to keep me going. Does it "work"? Damn right!
Have fun,

Vir Obesus Stola Saeptus
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Old 04-04-2001, 03:16 PM   #18
Steve Speicher
Dojo: Aikido of Central Ohio
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 42

Yes, aikido really does work!!!

sorry, i just couldn't resist. On a lighter note, how about this weather?? I guess the cherry blossoms are/will be blooming soon.


Steve Speicher
May I ask what is meant by the strong, moving power (hao jan chih chi)? "It
is difficult to describe," Mencius replied. -- Mencius IIA2

403-256 BCE
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Old 04-04-2001, 03:23 PM   #19
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 482

Time to fire up the "Q". Where did I put those hickory wood chips?

Training can wait till tomorrow.


Remember, all generalizations are false
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Old 04-04-2001, 03:38 PM   #20
IP Hash: 965d5458
Anonymous User
Thumbs up This forum

Magma wrote:
*I* disagree with *you* in that I don't think the teachings of O'sensei are in any way sacred. They are the thoughts and philosophy of a very wise, but also very fallible man, just like you or I. They are a path, not exclusive of others, but they are not the path.

chrisinbrasil wrote:
"Sacred Teachings" HAHAHAHA... HAHA..HA...hehe

Iīve just laughed enough for the whole week.

[quote]DiNalt wrote:
The more I read this, the more I see that my Sempai is right about not reading online Aikido forums.

I came to realize that those of us who actually _post_ on regular basis, are by default full of shit.

So, since I don't want to be full of shit (or at least people knowing about it, hehe), I will not post anymore.


Mongo wrote:

I usually came here in hopes of reading legitimate posts from the really gifted senseis that drop in once in awhile, but that too has diminished to such a level that it's not worth checking in on anymore. I guess I'd just rather spend my time training.

Jun -

Good luck with this website. Your intentions and hard work maintaining this site are very commendable and I realize you cannot be held accountable for the "moronic" and repetitive posts that show up.
I agree with DiNalt, Mongo, and others who have left this forum due to the childish arguments and Aikido-bashing that takes place here. It seems it only took 31 short years for Aikido martial artists to forget who created Aikido and for what purpose. I guess there will always be a difference between the true Aikidoka and the wanna-be's, who are nothing more than people practicing jujitsu and falsely calling it "Aikido". I, too, am leaving this forum, but before I leave I will depart with the sacred words of O-Sensei who said: "Without me there is no Aikido."
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Old 04-04-2001, 03:52 PM   #21
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 482
Re: This forum

[quote]Jefferson wrote:
"Without me there is no Aikido."
Right. Do you mean you? I doubt it.

O'Sensi? Probably not, as he's not here.

I thought we only bowed due to respect, not worship.


Remember, all generalizations are false
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Old 04-04-2001, 04:16 PM   #22
Dojo: Bond Street Dojo
Location: New York
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 23
Circle Re: This forum

Jefferson wrote:
I agree with DiNalt, Mongo, and others who have left this forum due to the childish arguments and Aikido-bashing that takes place here. It seems it only took 31 short years for Aikido martial artists to forget who created Aikido and for what purpose. I guess there will always be a difference between the true Aikidoka and the wanna-be's, who are nothing more than people practicing jujitsu and falsely calling it "Aikido". I, too, am leaving this forum, but before I leave I will depart with the sacred words of O-Sensei who said: "Without me there is no Aikido."
I find it amusing when people like this come barrelling onto the scene, berate everyone for their opinions and then decide that they're too far above the hoi polloi to keep showing us the(ir) truth. I guess Jefferson knows his Aikido, he's circular like a hurricane!

Myself, I only read the posts while at work, where I would be hard pressed to be training (depending on you views of solo training ) so I'll keep reading and learning.

Al Foote III
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Old 04-17-2001, 01:13 PM   #23
Dojo: Lenwakan
Location: Sao Paulo, Brasil
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 44
Re: This forum

Originally posted by Jefferson

I agree with DiNalt, Mongo, and others who have left this forum due to the childish arguments and Aikido-bashing that takes place here. It seems it only took 31 short years for Aikido martial artists to forget who created Aikido and for what purpose. I guess there will always be a difference between the true Aikidoka and the wanna-be's, who are nothing more than people practicing jujitsu and falsely calling it "Aikido". I, too, am leaving this forum, but before I leave I will depart with the sacred words of O-Sensei who said: "Without me there is no Aikido."
You ought to consider the differences of opinion considering OīSensei, Aikido, and why people post here before showing such vainglory. As was clearly stated, not every Aikidoka believes that OīSensei spewed forth sacred teachings, or was even the greatest of all martial artists for that matter. That doesnīt make them wanna-be Aikidokas, it just means they have differing opinions on the subject. Opinions they choose to express when certain people shove that nonsense down otherīs throats like itīs the truth and will justify their arguments. I guess, if you wonīt be coming back, we should hold some kind of ceremony or something. Maybe we can get some sacred Omoto guys over here or something...

Maybe we should try to dissuade you from leaving, naahhhh...

At your service,
Christopher Wilson
Hito no tachiba wo kanga eru.
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Old 04-17-2001, 07:32 PM   #24
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 482
Here's an interesting interview with someone who supports cross-dressing ... I mean cross-training.


I've got to go talk to my wife for a sec (I needed to say that). Any thoughts?


Last edited by Jim23 : 04-18-2001 at 06:15 AM.

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