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ESCalderon Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-16-2007 07:42 AM
Erik Calderon
Erik Calderon's Martial Arts Program
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 98
Comments: 51
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In Training The Untold Secret of Aikido Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #72 New 10-04-2010 12:00 PM
Catchy title, isn't it. I thought it up on my way to the post office to mail some certificates to some students that recently got promoted to 5th Kyu.

So I guess by know you are wondering what they are, those "Untold Secrets of Aikido".........Well, I guess if I knew what they were, then they wouldn't be "Untold Secrets," now would they.


Even if they were the Secrets of Aikido, they wouldn't be secrets anymore, or if there were secret training methods to learn secret techniques, they wouldn't be a secret if they were taught or told, now would they.

And, the hardest thing in the world is to keep a secret!

Well, let me let you in on a secret.......there are no secrets. There are no methods better than others.

Like the famous story about a New York Business man that put out an add, that if a yogi could actually float he would give him a million dollars...from what I heard, people lined up around the building to prove that they could float and guess what ... no one actually could, "For Real."

But, let's add an interesting twist to that story. If the Yogi, could, really float, then what the hell does he need a million dollars for!

Put your mind into your training, seek for truth, justice and righteousness, give God all the credit and you'll be on that secret path to untold truths!

Please enjoy another video I made:

Suwari Waza Shomen-Uchi Ikkyo

Erik Calderon
Erik Calderon's Martial Arts Program
Views: 2749

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