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tiyler_durden's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-23-2005 05:34 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 117 (Private: 56)
Comments: 2
Views: 131,333

In General Koshi nage Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #41 New 02-28-2005 03:25 AM

Well as I was feeling a lot better I also went on Thursday and arrived nice and early as usual and rang the bell and waited for the door to open.
The little Jui Jutsu guy opened the door for me and I went in and got changed.
The Jiu Jutsu class has grown quite a lot and I am surprised as this is not for me but I guess i am 100% Aikido all the way and do not get the feel for Jiu Jutsu.
I got changed and waited to see who would turn up for Aikido and was met by Paddy (Welsh Guy) Brown Belt (Jos) and René did not turn up as he had a neck injury from the last class (Old Basket ball injury?).

We played around with some break boards that Brent had brought and I demonstrated the "Wing Chung one inch punch" on the black break board just to show that it can work!

So Brent asked that I take the warm up, to my horror as I cannot for the life of me remember it! Don't know why!
He then went on to say we where doing "Koshi nage" as this is one of his favourites and we need it as grading is coming up!

The first technique is from a Push and you turn, enter and throw from the hips. I thought it was ok and kind of got the jist of what I was "Supposed" to do and how it should be done!
Then the second was from the pull, same kind of principal! yet you step in!

I remembered a saying "Soft controls hard, hard controls soft.If pulled push, if push turn"

We did this all lesson and also i noticed why some techniques don't work and that is that I am 6" 4 inches tall and wh ...More Read More
Views: 1182

In General First day back after 3 weeks sick. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #40 New 02-23-2005 05:34 AM

Well for the last three weeks I have been super ill but even though I still have a chest infection I had to train as I was missing out of some great training time!
I arrived at the new dojo location which is nice, bigger and we now have the added benefit of using the equipment there which is nice.
I got changed in the change room and waited on people arriving. Rene came and then Brown belt and we chatted about things and then went into the hall.
We did a few rolls and then joined in with the Jiu Jutsu class to do some mad locks and throws.
The class finished and we started Aikido where Brent Sensei had a little amnesia and forgot the warm-up and stuff, this was nice to see that even Sensei can lose it some times,still human...
We then did the technique where you catch the arm,turn and throw them because the elbow is locked (Forgot the name but it hurts a lot).
We did that and then Sensei placed on into the middle of the mat and we all attacked him then each one was in the middle getting attacked by every one.
I wheezed my way through that and then we did the infamous cross your arms in front of you and then lay on your chest so you can't breath technique where I almost died!
Then Brent Sensei asked that we do 30 rolls one after another, but I managed 15 before I almost threw up.
Was a nice first lesson back, I missed it ...a lot!!

Views: 1089

In General Dojo Party Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #39 New 02-22-2005 12:10 AM

well On Saturday evening I was invited to the first dojo party of 2005.
We all received an e-mail with the directions and also sensei's mobile number.
We where all to arrive at 19:30 or earlier if you had plans, I arrived at 19:30 as I had no plans and kept my calendar open for this evening.
When we arrived (Me and my woman) we where met by Huge guy and his Japanese woman, little Asian guy, Brent Sensei and two cats.
Anette immediately joined in making the sushi as she is the best at it and I gave my resects to Sensei and looked around the flat.
To my suprise it was not as how I expected it at all, no shoji screens nor any swords on the walls, which I expected to see.
The flat was more of an office and nothing more yet one whole wall was Martial arts books and the other was Samurai movies and Shinkendo DvD's...
I was in heaven and then found out that you could borrow books and movies I almost peed in my pants.
We all sat around and watched a Euro sports martial arts demo and then a nice Shinkendo video and chatted away about the dojo and experiences, this was so much fun for me as I have never felt so much a part of something since the army and this was very nice indeed.
Then Brent Sensei sat down with us and toasted so we then all had a nice little shot of Sake.
Then another, then another, then another.
I had to stop as I was feeling kind of drunk and this is truly not my style.
So I calmed and went into the other room where Brent Sensei was showing his ...More Read More
Views: 1161

In General Sick Sensei Day Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #38 New 01-21-2005 05:17 AM

Well as usual I arrived early to see what was going on with Jiu Jutsu and I think the best thing about going to lesson is walking up to the room and hearing the slaps and falling noises emanating around the empty corridors, so nice.

I arrived and saw something strange, two blue belts showing how a technique should be done and Brent Sensei sitting back and letting them do so?
I bowed to the class and then Brent and he then told me that he was super sick and could do really nothing!
So I passed my condolences and carried on getting changed and watching the class.
Every one arrived and we had two new students come one from last week Thursday and the other came on recommendation from a existing class member.
We all got on the mat and warmed up and then did some basic movements which was fun as Joss took this and was really good! Then on to the techniques.
We did Shomen irimi nage again my most favourite technique in the world. I did this with little dangerous guy and did it quite well and we also did some reversals which I did in front of the class with Joss!
It was a strange class but well worth it.

The class also started with Brent giving another speech on how Aikido is a family with no competition and we are all one and if one doesn't work then we all don't and that how getting a black belt is not the "Be all and end all" of it!

Views: 1045

In General Learning day Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #37 New 01-20-2005 03:47 AM

Well it was class and I arrived early as usual and was met with a huge Jiu Jutsu class with about six or more people and one of who I noticed was a brand newbie wearing jeans and all.
I got changed as slow as possible as I did not want to get in the middle of what was going on (Some nasty and painful looking leg locks, not for me today thanks guys).
I waited for some one to arrive and eventually Joss arrived and saved me.We chatted about the usual chit chat and then we where asked to join the mat for a nice technique which I could do real easy and did not half break my arm in the process.
Class finished and it was only the three of us again me, Joss and Jerald.
Brent Sensei asked what I thought was Jerald to take the warm up but it was me, SHOCK HORROR!!!
I for got every thing and how it goes! My voice was not loud enough and it was a mess...
We then did some nice Kata which was nice and easy and I knew that no problem. I followed that quite easy!
We then went on to one of my favourite Technique's Irimi nage!
I truly showed how nice that was for me and I beasted Jerome so bad for his nasty Jiu Waza on Saturday.
At the end I noticed I had hurt me back that hard that it hurts when I breath, but I will carry on regardless...

When I arrived home I had time to reflect on this and I realise that even though I I want to reach black belt and want my own Dojo I am nothing but a real beginner who has a long way to go. I truly have a long hard and laborious path a ...More Read More
Views: 1261

In General Saturday Lesson Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #36 New 01-17-2005 01:04 AM

Once again I set off in the cold Holland weather to the second place that Brent has foe Shinkendo.
Put side of the door was a tramp listening to the morning news on a radio he must have found or been given by some one.
I said "Hello and good Morning" to him and he replied by giving me some type of animal grunting noise which was comforting as I knew he was alive and drunk which meant he was happy and alive.I went up the stairs and took of my shoes before I entered and was met by the clacking of wooden tonfa and bo staffs.
My most favourite thing in the world is opening them doors as it is like opening the doors to an old Japanese dojo and seeing the people training hard and the noise is super nice.
I went over to Joss and the other guy and got my self changed and then started to get the mats out and all.
We started off with some basic movements and some kind of Kata and then set off to do the first set of movements which I kind of know how to do but not really in Jiu waza which I know I must do but I am finding I have Jiu Waza block at the moment and I know why but cannot stop it.
The class was nice and at the end there was more Jiu Waza and this time I was asked to do it with Jerald who had last week broken me, this week he managed to only really exhaust me and not hurt me as much.
What I did notice was that the reason why I get so damaged feet is that I fall wrongly and not in the Yoshinkan way but only in the Aikikai way and so my ankles and feet get right ...More Read More
Views: 1119

In General Keiko Hajime! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #35 New 01-10-2005 06:54 AM
Hey All,

Well it is 2005 nad I received this mail:
Greetings and a very happy new year to all of you!
I hope your New Year's celebrations have been everything and more of what you were hoping for and that you are all looking forward to what will surely be a great new year for our dojo and our training together.

Tomorrow will be our first training of the year, which is traditionally known as keiko hajime (the beginning or our training for the year).

As many of you know the space that we use on the Postjesweg is only temporary and has not been without its problems. I have been looking for a new studio or space that we can rent permanently. Although I will continue looking for another space, I have found a very nice studio near the XXXXXXXX that we may start using in February. At least for the month of January we will continue using the XXXXXXXXXXX space for our dojo.

Starting tomorrow, all classes will be taking place at their normal times at the XXXXXXXX and the XXXXXXXXXXX-Plein.

I take great heart and honor in being a part of our dojo and the community that has developed around it. I am grateful for the commitment and support of all of you for being there to make it what it has and is becoming. Let's take our training together seriously in what is the beginning of the 6th year of the dojo.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Gambatte Kudasai,

I was super charged and ready for some real training so I went to the Thursday class which was ...More Read More
Views: 1683

In General Last calss for 2004 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #34 New 12-17-2004 03:35 AM
Hey All,

Well i arrived at class way before time and entered the dojo to find Brent Sensei and some new guy stretching on the mats!
Brent Sensei was very upset that no one came to lesson and said he was going to send an e-mail to his students as they are showing a little disrespect to the dojo, yet he understands that it is the end of the year and some have exams and so forth.
I got changed and we did some Jiu jutsu things, like getting out of grips and some mad techniques and then it was on for the Aikido!
We started out with the normal group warm up and them some more techniques like rolling and so on.
We then went on to a set of three techniques where we would do throws. I felt like this time my Aikido had stepped up one level and I was truly into the swing of things. I also think this is because it is my last lesson for 2 weeks, also!

We did these for a while and then we did more falling from all different heights and so on for a while which I like as my rolls for this are not so good and I need to learn!

Then Brent Sensei called out that myself and Jos where to do jiuwaza!

We started by me attacking him and he threw me all over the place to the point where I was breathing out of my arse!
Then it was my turn!
I started out doing the techniques that i had learnt and also some other ones that I could remember and I was doing ok for a while until I started to think! then my technique turned to shit and I was all over trying stuff that would not work and l ...More Read More
Views: 1254

In General Yonkajo day day 3 (The pain goes on) Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #33 New 12-15-2004 01:19 AM
Well I arrived at the dojo on time again and saw there was a new guy sitting through the class.
I got changed and gave Sensei the sword bag that my girlefriend had made for him and chatted with the new guy for a while.
We talked voer what he had done before and he said he had done a little Judo and Karate, so I guess he knows a little and should do ok!
I had a little job form brent Sensei who had me go and get water to clean up the mats as someone had used them and got them dirty and had actualy put a hole in one of them.
After that the Jiu jutsu class was finishing up and it was time for the Aikido.
We went through the usual warm up and streaching as there was only sweaty guy and myself (It seems the cold weather makes the Dutch stay home for some reason).
Then we did the rolls and falls and so on, then Brent Sensei annaounced that we will be doing Yonkajo!
Searing pain and white light raced through my brain, I shuddered and then involanterily smiled nad said something stupid like "Yay I love Yonkajo"!
We started with the I initiate the attack and do the tecnique on Uke as well and go into an Ikajo movement and then onto Yonkajo!
The the second one was where Uke attacks and I move in a turning movement and then up nad down again into the same move!
Very nice and I actualy now appreciate knowing this movement and am getting to grips with it.
We then stopped nad went on to falls.
This is kind of new and I had not fallen like this before yet i did get to grips with ...More Read More
Views: 1482

In General wrist Pain Lesson 2 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #32 New 12-10-2004 12:18 AM
Hey All,

Well I arrived last night with a smile and a hope of a nicer lesson than Tuesday.
Jos was there already and getting changed. He looked over and gave me his usual little smile and carried on putting his Gi on. Brent looked over and gave me his "Cum mon wah" and carried on with the Jiu jutsu lesson. I was half way through getting changed and in walked long haired guy from Bosnia who we had not seen in a long time and we where very happy to see again. As usual we did a little jiu jutsu, this week we did ground grappling which is not my favourite thing in the world (As why would you get there in the first place?)and then they ended the lesson. The Spanish guy was there again and he joined the aikido group which made six people in total,nice lesson.
We started out with tai sabaki movements which I am not too keen on as Kata is one thing I hate doing, yet I went along with it and did ok. Then we did more movements which I knew this time as it was the one from Tuesday lesson and I am getting to grips with now.
We then all sat and Jos and Brent Sensei got up and he announced that we would finish off what we did not finish on Monday, fear and flashing lights of pain flew through my body "Yonkajo"!!!!
We started out again with the two we did on Tuesday where we initiated the attack and went down into ikajo and then into yokajo and then into the arm break move.
The pain for me was unbearable.
We then went on to the same type of thing but we turned out into the yonkajo ...More Read More
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