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Seeking Zanshin: Blood, Sweat, Tears & Aikikai Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-24-2005 10:53 PM
One small gal + a dojo full of big guys = tons o' fun
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Status: Public
Entries: 270 (Private: 12)
Comments: 195
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Entries for the Month of May 2007

In General 05/12/2007: SK Seminar with Kawahara Sensei Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #228 New 05-17-2007 02:14 PM
Pre-Seminar Nutrition Log: 05/07-05/11

- 15g Creatine/day (in morning fruit shakes) for the 5 days prior
- baked banana loaf for road trip (included oats, hemp seed)
- AM of seminar/"pre-event meal": good variety fruits, bran muffin, yogurt, omelet w/veggies, apple juice, green tea, 1% milk, the usual vitamin supplements
- Midday lunch break: focused on low-GI carbs (dried apricots, brazil nuts, apple, orange, pineapple juice), extra multi-vitamin and lots of water, of course

Energy Levels: (Not so surprisingly) very good! By the end, I felt like I could go a lot longer still.

After having missed the last seminar in the Fall due to my concussion (since recovered, with little residual effects thank-you!) I was rarin' to go. I wasn't disappointed.

Kawahara sensei, despite looking like he had lost a considerable amount of weight, was in good spirits. From an instructor's standpoint he may have seemed negative --- he had a number of disparaging things to say regarding instructors being far too egotistical, not practicing enough, and essentially blaming them for the poor performance of their students --- comments I was told afterwards which were meant more in a cautionary sense. One wonders, naturally, what more was "lost in translation".

Kawahara also made no small point that he felt that a number of his students in both Japan and Canada were "wasting their money" with Aikido by not pushing themselves to train harder. Personally, ( ...More Read More
Views: 2334

In Training Updated Strength/Conditioning Program - B Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #227 New 05-14-2007 11:33 PM
(Last Updated: January, 2009) - After spending some time researching the martial/real-world strength applications of Kettlebell training I picked up a Kettlebell for myself back in December and have been implementing a new conditioning regimen based upon this. As I am still a beginner with these, more variety in exercises will be incorporated as I learn them.

Very important note: any martial arts strength/conditioning regimen should always be IN ADDITION/AS A SUPPLEMENT to (and not a replacement for or at the expense of) regular Aikido technique training at the dojo. In my case:

AIKIDO TRAINING: Two hours daily, four times per week
- Classical Aikido: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
- Adapted Aikido: Tuesdays

This would be more often if our current training space were available Thursdays and Saturdays like our old dojo was!


- Grip strengthening exercises: a) Crushing grip strength, b) "Newspaper ball" exercise with paper for recycling


- Standing (rooting/stability) exercises


DAY ONE (Monday):
Kettlebells Strength Training Set A*,
4 sets each...
- Two-handed swings
- One-handed clean and press, each arm
- One-handed squats, alternating sides

DAY TWO (Tuesday): HIIT & CORE
High Intensity Interval Training
- approx. 30mins+ sprinting/jogging intervals for cardio
(includes warm up, cooldown and stretching)
- Side ...More Read More
Views: 18681 | Comments: 3

In General 05/10/07 - On Raising the Bar Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #226 New 05-14-2007 10:25 PM
...for myself, that is. [AikiWeb ate my journal entry! This was a post from last Thursday which, after slaving over it for a goodly amount of time, I lost when AikiWeb logged me out (I guess I took too long). I'm going to do my best to replicate what was originally written as much as possible. Consider this a word to the wise for my fellow AikiWeb bloggers: ALWAYS save your longer entries in another word processing program (ie. even Notepad will do) before submitting it, just in case, because you won't get it back if it doesn't submit properly. I used to be in the habit of doing this frequently (been burned in the past) but the one time (last Thursday)I decided to forego it, guess what happened? ]

So, some time ago I finished reading "Strength and Power Training for Martial Arts" by Martina Sprague --- ultimately, I found it a great overview of many easily-applicable conditioning techniques for all martial artists and as a result have been bringing some of the more overlooked concepts (ie. resistance training for the neck, plyometrics and bodyweight exercises) which the original strength training program designed specifically for me did not include. I think the only thing missing from Sprague's book was balance exercises --- something I've incorporated at the advice of a physiotherapist in the context of an old ankle injury --- which one would think invaluable to any martial artist. Otherwise, I felt it was a good general book regarding the benefits and application of conditioning principles specifically for MAs. As a complement, I highly recommend (and may have mentioned in the past) "Strength Training Anatomy" by Frederic Delavier for a more detailed graphical representation of weight training techniques (including descriptions of proper form, images of variations, and information on common injuries and how to prevent them).

Recently, I also finished reading "The Fighter's Body: An Owner's Manual - Your Guide to Diet, Nutrition, Exercise and Excellence in the Martial Arts" by Loren W. Christensen and Wim Demeere and found it extremely informative (though a lot of the more basic information was already known to me, I liked that a gr ...More Read More
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