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Seeking Zanshin: Blood, Sweat, Tears & Aikikai Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-24-2005 10:53 PM
One small gal + a dojo full of big guys = tons o' fun
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Status: Public
Entries: 270 (Private: 12)
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In Training Yippee! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #225 New 04-08-2007 04:05 PM
The Saskatoon Spring seminar has been rescheduled for May! Mmmaaayyyy!!! Can't wait.

By the by, I bet you can't tell that I'm too darn-sod-it busy with work to post anything decent on here lately? I will, however, mention that I puchased recently and am almost done reading a wonderfully informative book as a supplement to my conditioning program called, "Strength and Power Training for Martial Arts" by Martina Sprague.

I'll have to go into more detail about it when I have the time, but I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to likewise up the ante with their training regimen and especially to fellow female Aikidoka (she has a particularly relevant chapter on women's training and the misconceptions --- old news to me, but would serve many others well, I'm sure). Overall, a very well-written book (a good balance between practical directives, facts and anecdotes --- it also has a sport-specific section which includes a strength/conditioning program geared specifically to Aikido and other arts) by a woman who trains and pushes herself hard martially --- she's also written other books such as "Fighting Science: The Laws of Physics for Martial Artists" and "The Science of Takedowns, Throws and Grappling for Self-Defense" that I wouldn't mind picking up in the near future as well.
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