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Kelly Allen's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-13-2004 08:36 PM
Kelly Allen
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 45 (Private: 1)
Comments: 34
Views: 149,022

In General Deflecting Bad Energy Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #9 New 09-06-2003 11:41 AM
The last time I was at the dojo it was just sensei and I again. I was feeling quite stresses due to a week of bad luck and bad Karma. My truck broke down and cost me a wack of money, and was haveing problems with a person who just can't seem to leave me alone. The stress showed up in my technique and training as an uncontrolable tensness in my shoulders.

I try to make part of my training the philosophical where deflecting abusive verbal energy is part of it. You know! Sticks and stones. But how does one deal with it when it becomes so persistent that I'm constantly ignoring and deflecting verbal abuses and accusations.

The training session did help to destress me some what, but I'm still dreading my next meeting with this person. No telling what ()'ll come up with next. I wish I knew what it was that started it in the first place. Oh well just keep my mouth shut unless I have to open it, and deflect and redirect the rest. Maybe ()'ll get bored and give up and finally leave me alone.
Views: 1883 | Comments: 5

RSS Feed 5 Responses to "Deflecting Bad Energy"
#5 09-25-2003 01:14 AM
Kelly Allen Says:
I have analyzed this problem by writing an incident log. Upon rereading it I have discovered, I think, that the person in question was baiting me. Without getting into details I allowed myself to take the bait rather than ignore it and not let the darts this person was throwing goad me into a reaction. I found rereading the last chapter in "Aikido Exersises for Teaching and Training", "Verbal Self Defence", very helpful.
#4 09-12-2003 02:47 AM
Kelly Allen Says:
Well I'm not being called a f**king *** hole or a f**king loser any more so the situation is tolerable now. I'm hardly being Aiki because I'm doing more deflecting, ignoring the imaturity, than blending. How does one blend in this type of situation? Unfortunately it is not just pervading my practice.
#3 09-11-2003 11:32 AM
jducusin Says:
So how are things going, applying Aiki principles to that particular conflict? Hopefully it's not pervading your practice as much these days --- glad to hear that the displacement trick works for others as well.
#2 09-11-2003 06:45 AM
Kelly Allen Says:
Hi Jamie! This log was more a comment about how I am trying to apply Aikido techniques outside the dojo to deal with this specific problem. It is a problem that is showing up in the dojo though. It's funny you mentioned this displacement technique because that was exactly how sensei told me how to deal with it.
#1 09-08-2003 11:46 PM
jducusin Says:
Hey Kelly --- hope things are going better for you since this last journal entry. One of the great things I love about training has got to be the sense of escapism that it involves to a certain extent; the awareness that to have a good practice session, I have to leave all my troubles at the door once I bow in and just get right down to business. I know that sometimes the outside world can really pervade one's thoughts (annoyingly so) during this time, so what I usually do is that anytime some distracting, non-Aikido related thought enters my head during practice, I imagine that my mind literally throws it out the door (or window, whichever's closer to me ) and just visualize that. Then I go back to training without a second thought. I know it sounds awfully simplistic, but I just thought I'd share it with you anyway. At the very least, maybe it will illicit a laugh. That'll help too. Which means my work here is done!

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