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Diana Frese's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 12-30-2010 03:23 PM
Diana Frese
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Status: Public
Entries: 43
Comments: 170
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In General Snow Day Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #43 New 01-24-2015 08:54 AM
I never thought I would want a white kitchen. It just seemed soooo.....designer. I used to love the remodeling trades magazines, thinking of all the new hardware like suns and half moons on the cabinet doors....

Now I am so into plants. Our five or seven Cactus bloomed already starting around Thanksgiving. They had been on what my husband called "vacation" out in the front yard. Now the snow is beginning to fall off the branches but in the dark of night it started to be this amazing fluffy stuff on the branches we could see in the back.

We haven't had much snow this year but this morning I am thinking of Mary Eastland and her beautiful word pictures from nature one year at the start of each season. By coincidence I see she has posted a notice of her and Ron's Spring Seminar.

We are organizing our house it has stuff from my late parents my live brothers in their eighties who love mementoes and letters from friends and relatives but the plants are leading the osojo efforts, the word added in if you are of the Shinto persuasion. Anyway, the mortgage requires it.

My husband discovered Sensei Koichi Tohei's Ki Exercises on YouTube which he is now able to get on his Blackberry. He is into judo on and off since 2011 or so. His late brother was a wrestling champ in high school so he has a competitive streak. We had a friend on line for a while of the British Tomiki persuasion but haven't heard from him in recent years. Hope he is okay.

So anyway my husband likes to randori with his judo friends. So it is fascinating to me that he really likes the exercises we were taught at New York Aikikai in the late sixties when Tohei Sensei visited in person. Let's see if my old bones, and ligaments etc. can recall those days.

Hubbie dear has promised we will work on these in the driveway when the snow melts. Who knew!
Views: 6224 | Comments: 3

RSS Feed 3 Responses to "Snow Day"
#3 01-24-2015 12:16 PM
Love this, Diane. Of Course. you both are most welcome. We would love to have you. Class today was small but vibrant as we explored flow in more ways than one. I got stuck on an iceberg of my own judgment and had to dive into my frustration but popped up with the insight that we are all doing our very best and that is enough. ;o)
#2 01-24-2015 09:20 AM
Diana Frese Says:
oops another correction. It was 2010. Hubbie dear is in the den now with his blacberry watching boxing clips another interest he shared with brother Dave. If the invite is still open we hope to visit Mary and Ron sometime this year as we finally got a van! We will stick to Aikido when visiting, don't worry.
#1 01-24-2015 09:11 AM
Diana Frese Says:
oops a typo. Cleaning in Japanese should have been spelled osoji. I had trouble with the edit function and somehow it looked as if I had shut off comments. I have no idea why that happened so am trying again.

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