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I have such wonderful titles for my journal entries don't I?
7th practice was in the late morning of July 4th. Sunday morning classes are always just 1 hour instead of an hour and a half. I'm still not very good at remembering the names of the techniques, but the class focused on techniques where the attacker grabs one arm with both hands.
From there we progressed till we began doing the same technique with the attacker grabbing a jo now instead of an arm. At this point, Sensei pulled all of us beginners out and showed us basic things to do with a jo. This was pretty cool and I think I learned a good bit.
I'm going to HAVE to get more practice at doing front rolls. One of the black belts is pretty concerned that I'm going to hurt my shoulders. I haven't yet, but I did pull a groin muscle going into my first roll. Ouch. But, as with most of the things I've done to hurt myself, it's not as bad as it could be.
Next class is on Tuesday or Thursday if my groin is still bothering me. It is better this morning.