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Kaabigang Dueg Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-11-2006 02:37 PM
The Virtuous Carabao
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Status: Public
Entries: 18 (Private: 1)
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In General Martial Arts is About Fighting? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #10 New 09-18-2007 11:21 AM
I've been reading a lot lately that Martial Arts is all about fighting.
And that "Martial" means pertaining to the Military or waging war.
So Sun-Tzu's "Art of War" must be about Martial Arts, right?
Here's an oft-quoted passage from the "Art of War":


" Therefore One hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the most skillful. Seizing the enemy without fighting is the most skillful.

War is of vital importance to the state and should not be engaged carelessly"
In Giles Translation:

Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
He even adds in annotation:

Here again, no modern strategist but will approve the words of the old Chinese general. Moltke's greatest triumph, the capitulation of the huge French army at Sedan, was won practically without bloodshed.
As Nishio Sensei said, "The conflict should be over at the moment of contact."

But to achieve such ability takes practice, practice, practice, and more practice.

And what do we need to practice to get this ability to win without fighting? That's the eternal question..
Views: 5544 | Comments: 10

RSS Feed 10 Responses to "Martial Arts is About Fighting?"
#10 09-27-2007 03:10 AM
CitoMaramba Says:
I better bring out the flame-proof longjohns then
#9 09-26-2007 09:37 PM
Ryan Sanford Says:
I agree with Mr. Maramba, you guys ought to start a thread saying that, just for kicks.
#8 09-20-2007 03:20 AM
CitoMaramba Says:
Roman, why don't we start a thread on the forums to ask if they think that "Those who practice Aikido only, can't fight?"
#7 09-19-2007 09:54 PM
Well, they're called "followers" for a reason.
#6 09-19-2007 01:02 AM
CitoMaramba Says:
Hmmm, . I think a lot of Iwama stylists would be interested to hear that you think their Shihan couldn't "fight" It seems to me that your definition of being able to fight means a) It has to take place in a "ring" (or octagon or whatever) b) It has to be on video. Generations of uchi-deshi at Iwama have felt Saito Sensei's ability first-hand. Maybe their collective experience could tell us if Saito Sensei could "fight".
#5 09-18-2007 07:49 PM
Yep, that'd include him then. There's nothing to really indicate he can fight, nor any footage of him doing so. (Yes, yes I know...them irritating kids and their YouTubes...but thats all we got going right now for authenticity purposes)
#4 09-18-2007 01:54 PM
CitoMaramba Says:
Would that include Morihiro Saito Sensei? As far as I know, he only trained in AIkido.. alright, he also did shuriken-jutsu but that probably doesn't enter much into the picture
#3 09-18-2007 01:24 PM
Every Aikidoka I know who can "fight" has cross trained. So I guess my original post was aimed at people who've only done Aikido.
#2 09-18-2007 01:03 PM
CitoMaramba Says:
Just be careful which Aikidoka you're classifying as those who "can't fight".. there are still some Aikido teachers out there that regard their practice as a Martial Way".. and have proven it in real-life situations. Thanks for reading!
#1 09-18-2007 12:37 PM
The only difference is: The armies So Sun-Tzu mentions can actually fight when needed too, but choose to avoid it. Aikidoka don't train to fight, can't fight, and thankfully choose to avoid it.

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