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Dallas Kline's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-09-2003 12:59 AM
Dallas Kline
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Status: Public
Entries: 1
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  #1 New 08-12-2003 12:11 AM
A week and a half. That is how long I have been a formal practitioner of Aikido. I looked into it maybe a year ago, but nothing really clicked for me. My Big brother offered to pay for some classes, and I said sure... I really didn't know what I was getting myself into.

I went into the Sowakan Dojo, which is a martial arts/ multipurpose room in our local leisure center feeling a bit of trepidation. I was clad in some track pants and a warm up shirt, whilst everyone around me was wearing thier dogi. I stuck out like a sore thumb. I tried to look past that, and get into the class. Friendly people, not a harsh atmosphere either, I really ate it up. I decided that I liked it so much, that I would show up for another class.

The next class I showed up to, I was somewhat prepared. About 4 months prior, I had bought a kung fu outfit. Not because I studied kung fu, but because it looked neat, and was comfortable to wear. On top of that, it was black. I dig black. Needless to say, once again, I stuck out like a sore thumb. This Class was a bit more structured- less testing for me to sit around and watch. I also got to get my feet wet in the ways of break falls.

I like breakfalls, why? Because they are hard to do. I do them because they are hard. If it is hard... chances are, it is worth doing. That's my motto. Taylor Sensei showed me how to do them... and I did them like a champ... in the sense that I didn't give up. Someday, and someday soon, I'll get it down, but till the ...More Read More
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