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Andy's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 09-13-2005 07:05 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 3
Comments: 0
Views: 12,233

In General -- Preface -- Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 09-13-2005 07:05 AM
Welcome -
I would like to introduce my self, Andrew Beauchamp.

I would like to use this first bolg to explain the intention for this aikiblog...

I don't feel too unique and I'm not a rare of a species either. My background and education in aikido comes from Tomiki style which, which I was a disciple for many interesting and lucky years. Why? No special reason but only to the fact that nowadays I'm training and loving the Aikikia style of life, and have found myself in an interesting position.

Starting again from the bottom of the chain has been an interesting time, re-learning and changing old habits (Tomiki ones) Now, I'm not the only one to migrate to other styles but I'm the only one I've know that moved from and has Tomiki experience. Enough milking the Tomiki fact. The real reason for this blog is to document my progression over the next couple of years from the bottom of the ranks to some where flying around the dojo with a hakama on.

This blog and many more blogs to come was not intentionally thought of to entertain any readers but to document my insights, dramas and experiences and hopefully much more! If you enjoy them let me know and thanks you for your time. (but I'm not holding my breathe)


andy_beauchamp@hotmail.com //no spammers or hawkers allowed!

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