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shihonage's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 06-24-2004 10:21 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 11
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Views: 61,061

In General Important truths. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #11 New 06-24-2004 10:21 PM
Blending, continuous and adaptive, combined with continuous repositioning, eventually followed by extension and "throw or wristlock".
That's the only way to deal with an attacker. Playing the macho "i'm tough" game or "who outsmarts whom" game is a path to defeat.

O Sensei was right on the money, as always, when he said something akin to "When you're not on the path, you're far, far away from the path".

Far, far away.
Views: 1819

In General Sumi otoshi Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #10 New 04-28-2004 12:03 AM
Uke grabs my right wrist with his left.

I immediately establish connection by rotating clockwise/entering while extending his arm and taking his balance.

At that point his elbow is naturally brought into a position where I take a step forward with left foot and my left arm with entire body weight behind it does a sort of a reverse ikkyo, bringing uke effortlessly to the ground.
Views: 1724

In General How to stay centered in everyday life Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #9 New 01-27-2004 04:13 PM
Keep your head up, shoulders above and aligned with your hips.
Views: 1648

In General Yokomen uchi ikkyo Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #8 New 01-13-2004 10:22 PM
1) Blend with the motion. I'm not trying to get attacker to comply with my preconceived "blending motion", but adapt myself to blend with this movement with the least resistance, without trying to block it, but keeping the space between us open with optional atemi-to-ukes-face with my other hand, until the movement is complete, and his arm is extended at that key point where the technique can go into shihonage/hijiate kokyunage.

2) At that point where the movement is complete, the arm which is on the uke's wrist is directly in front of my center, and I move it with my center to expose the elbow, at which point my other arm goes under it, and also in front of my center, at which point I drive uke's elbow into uke's head by simply keeping my arm in front of me and walking forward. Uke will be dropped "diagonally".
Views: 1736

In General The difference between a beginner and intermediate Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #7 New 10-01-2003 02:55 PM
Beginner uses concrete, stiff associations.
Intermediate student uses abstract visualizations, concerned not so much with what they see, but with what they feel.

Beginner thinks "Ok, I step here and move my arm here..."

Intermediate student thinks "In a natural, free motion, the energy will find it's way... like a powerful ocean wave" <--- only less FRUITY

All the little resistance tricks that the uke may put up will be overcome be the completely free, all enveloping movement. Like water goes around the rocks.
Views: 3191

In General Proper energy. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 09-04-2003 04:03 PM
Left wrist grabbed by attacker's right hand

Enjoy Life

Step back in a circular motion, raising the "sword" in front of you, and keeping the attacker from reaching you with his other hand

As the raised sword is at your centerline, attacker extended, and step is complete, turn and cut with shihonage.

Enjoy Life
Views: 1542

In General Tenchi-nage note Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #5 New 05-09-2003 05:19 PM
The technique begins by the "unlocking" motion which comes from hip rotation.

EDIT: technique begins by blending and continuing the attack of the uke, accepting him and enveloping him around you....

... I think.
Views: 1726

In General Aikido is a civilian mindset. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 04-02-2003 02:40 PM
I must go to class not with a "conflict" mindset, but with a "civilian" mindset.

That is the only way which would allow me to take relatively safe ukemi.
Views: 1596

In General Kokyunage from double- and single- hand wrist grab Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 03-07-2003 09:24 PM
Let shoulders down, move the body as one.

Don't move the arm, move the body which will move the arm.

Try and do it with the least effort possible, as if very tired.

The arm's connection to the center is what makes this work. The movement is natural, you do not need to remember it, for it will draw it's pattern in the air by itself, and it will end up looking like... the kokyunage as was shown by instructor !

Remember, always guide uke by the edges of his sphere of strength.

During YOKOMEN version, meet uke at the very edge of his sphere, without stopping him, but disbalance him to the outside as much as possible, the rest of the movement should proceed naturally.
Keep at the outside of the sphere !

Look to instructor for further guidance.
Views: 1747

In General The only way to do Aikido. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 02-25-2003 09:39 PM
My previous entry was correct.

The only way to do Aikido correctly, is to go around power, guide uke from the very outside of his "sphere".

IKKYO note from today - move from the balls of your feet, don't overextend forward.
Provides a powerful motion, especially combined with the fact that I don't SLAM into incoming power, but go around it.
Views: 1434

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