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Onna Bugeisha Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 07-22-2009 02:01 PM
From a big fish in a small pond to a tiny fish in a big sea.
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In General You want me to WHAT? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #78 Old 01-25-2011 04:32 PM
Hi. My name is Ashley and I have been off of aikido for 5 days and 22 hours. ::sigh:: I am only on day 5 of my 30 day minimum stint in rehab. Last Thursday I finally put on my big girl gi and went to the doctor to see what is up with my foot. It has been almost four months since I have injured it and my foot doesn't seem to be getting any better. I walked into the office hoping for the best, but expecting the worse. Honestly, I was looking for a quick fix. Set me down, give me a cortisone shot, tell me to ice it after class and send me on my way. (I know that wouldn't fix the problem, but at least it would help me forget the problem....)

The doctor came in and asked me about my injury and symptoms, then sent me down the hall for some x-rays. After reviewing my x-rays, he told me that it didn't appear like I fractured or broke anything. He told me that he thinks I have bruised my bone marrow and have a large amount of edema in the bone. At this point, I asked what I needed to do. He told me he would give me a scrip for anti-inflammatory drugs to take twice a day. Sounds easy enough! Then he casually tossed in "No martial arts."

At that point, my eyes got all teary and it was like I was a child being told that I couldn't play with my best friend forever. I didn't really realize how much I liked doing aikido until that very moment. I think he saw how upset I was and asked how often I train and how long I had been doing martial arts. I told him that I train four days a week and hadn't been training long- just over two years. I guess he doesn't know too much about aikido because he commented that I must be fairly proficient at it. HAH! If he only knew…..

At that point he told me that he understood my frustrations and mentioned that he had earned his black belt in tae kwon do a while ago. He told me at minimum, I would be out of class for a month, but it may be more. He then supplemented his previous statement by stating that other then work and casual errands, like grocery shopping, he wanted me to stay off of my feet .

He said usually an injury like this requires RICE, but in this case rest is the only thing that will work. He asked if I took time off at all during the previous months and I told him I had almost two weeks off because of holidays and dojo closings, but other then that, no. He asked if I took time off after I hurt it and told him I went back and just dealt with it. It wasn't the answer he wanted to hear, but he nodded his head like he understood my reasoning.

I asked him if there was a chance that I had a soft tissue injury and damaged a muscle or ligament instead or in addition to the bruised marrow. He told me that he didn't think so based on the way I described my symptoms. He said he could be wrong, but he thinks he is "looking under the right rock." He said he wanted me back in a month and if it wasn't better by then, he would want an MRI to see what is going on.

I nodded and sadly took the prescription from his hand. On my way out, he asked me a bit about my job and asked if CSI was a total lie. I told him I hated the show, but my husband watches it. I explained that it is based on truth, but there is a lot of stuff in the show that is inaccurate or doesn't even exist yet. I then told him that he probably felt the same way about House or ER. He laughed and said he knew exactly where I was coming from.

I went up to the secretary and paid what I thought was a reasonable co pay (since my insurance card didn't mention a price) and scheduled my next appointment. As I walked out the door, I called my hubby to tell him of the news. As I drove home, I couldn't help but think that the doctor is indeed looking under the wrong rock. I would think if I pressed on the bone, it would hurt more and that just isn't the case (unless I really aggravate it first). However, when I point my toes (either using muscles or by using my hand to manipulate them into a pointed position) or stand on my tipy toes (or use my hand to bend them back) it hurts like the dickens!!! I suppose it could still be a bone issue, but I'm thinking it is a muscle or ligament issue. I guess only time will tell.

In the meantime, I will be at the dojo doing observation training on the nights my hubby goes. Sensei told me he would make sure I had everything necessary to sit and watch comfortably. So here is to sitting out of class and hoping time will heal the area. Either way, if it is a tissue injury, a month of rest will surely do that a bit of good too. Right? ::sigh::
Views: 2882 | Comments: 13

RSS Feed 13 Responses to "You want me to WHAT?"
#13 01-31-2011 10:20 AM
ninjaqutie Says:
I'm hoping I will be smart enough to listen to my body. Unfortunately, I can't depend on other people to tell me "You are experiencing pain. STOP!"
#12 01-30-2011 08:54 PM
Shadowfax Says:
I thought the same thing when I got back on the mat after my knee. It turned out that I was just so happy to be back that I was content to slow down. And that in itself, having a reason to have to slow down, helps your training is ways you won't believe. I didn't get back to full speed until probably another month after I was back to training.
#11 01-28-2011 09:53 AM
ninjaqutie Says:
We shall see. The hard part for me will be in a month (I hope) when I am allowed back on the mat. The doctor told me that if he gives me the green light, it won't be a stomp the pedal to the floor and go green light. I will have to start back with a couple classes a week and if there is ANY pain, to stop what I am doing. I think I am going to have a problem reigning myself in to be honest....
#10 01-28-2011 01:11 AM
Linda Eskin Says:
I got a lot out of sitting and watching when I messed up my shoulder. I took notes, and also tried to sketch the swirls and spirals, which helped me see them. It's also a good time to read or watch videos. If your dojo doesn't have a little library, maybe your sensei or someone else would have a few DVDs or books you could borrow. Your month will be over before you know it!
#9 01-26-2011 10:14 PM
ninjaqutie Says:
Thanks for the pep talk everyone! Lan, I actually skipped my doctor and went straight to a podiatrist because I felt they would be the best person to see. As for sitting out and watching, although it saddens me, I have to say it IS helpful. I have sat and watched two classes now and you really do notice things that you would otherwise miss. And don't worry, I won't go back too soon. Missing a month is painful enough, making it worse and having to miss more then that would devastate me!
#8 01-26-2011 02:55 PM
Lan Powers Says:
Just as a suggestion....visit a podiatrist (unless this Dr. IS one) another office visit, another set of examinations.....but if the diagnosis seems wrong, it might very well BE wrong. best wishes for your recovery sux don't it? :-(
#7 01-26-2011 07:22 AM
Shadowfax Says:
Oh I know the feeling. I was pretty upset when I sprained a meniscus this fall and had to sit out for almost a month myself. Going and watching classes has its own merits. You will see things you never noticed before. So try to make the best of it. The time will go by faster then you think.
#6 01-26-2011 06:05 AM
niall Says:
Hi Ashley. Definitely don't go back to training until your doctor says it's OK. Do what your doctor says about rest and rehabilitation and everything else. I know you'll want to go back sooner but it's just not worth the risk of aggravating it. The good news is that whenever you have to take a break from aikido your level goes up without you realizing it and your understanding becomes deeper. Best wishes for a fast recovery, Niall
#5 01-26-2011 01:41 AM
guest1234567 Says:
Hi Ashley, I'm sorry you cannot train for a while, I would feel awful when I were in your place. But think a month passes fast.. I 'd have done the same, as I always do with my teeth, I'don't go to the dentist until I can't bear the pain..
#4 01-25-2011 10:37 PM
ninjaqutie Says:
My husband seems to think my sensei was sad before class tonight because I wouldn't be joining. Haha. After class, sensei asked if the meds were making a difference yet, to which I had to give a sad "No."
#3 01-25-2011 10:34 PM
ninjaqutie Says:
Thanks. Honestly, I haven't gone to the doctor sooner because I was afraid this would happen. I was just hoping I was wrong and it would heal on its own. I was wrong...
#2 01-25-2011 06:19 PM
Daisy Luu Says:
[cont' from previous] Your doctor sounds very cool, though, and sympathetic despite the near-impossible orders. Here's hoping you'll heal soon and fast--sending warm aikido thoughts your way as you shadow-train.
#1 01-25-2011 06:19 PM
Daisy Luu Says:
Aww, Ashley, my sympathies. I feel your pain. Not EXACTLY your unique one, but I've got this elbow that's been bothering me for a while. I'm thinking, "It's not too bad--it shouldn't keep me off the mat," but I cannot ignore how it hates ikkyo, kokyu-nage, and even shihonage done on me. Your post embodies my deep-rooted nightmare, someone telling me to stay away from martial arts to heal.

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