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aikigirl10's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 07-04-2005 10:23 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 3
Comments: 2
Views: 44,086

In General untitled Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 02-01-2006 01:10 PM
Well, it's been a while since i have written on here so i thought maybe i would take a little time out of my overly boring day and say a few words for no particular reason. Here goes...

Things are going really well at my dojo. I've learned to cope with other aikidoka and i've also been attending a little bit more often. (however still not as much as i'd like to be, but oh well) I feel pretty good about my aikido right now.

In other news..... hmm i dont know if there is any other news...

Well, my sensei was recently promoted to 4th dan, so i was pretty happy for him.

hmm... i really think thats about it.

Im outtie. hehe

Views: 2750

In General Missing aikido. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 08-22-2005 07:46 PM
I havent been to aikido in like 3 weeks and i'm seriously going thru withdrawals. I've been pretty busy with softball and shaolin ,plus school started last week. I just feel kinda guilty like there were times i should've gone and i didnt.

My sensei probably thinks i dont take it seriously which is why, he's not advancing me or even really letting me go on to anything new. I know its always good to review , but it seems like im stuck in a rut.

I'm gonna try going non stop 3 times a week for about 2 months and see how that works out. It just seems like everytime i have my mind set on aikido something comes up or i get sick or i've forgotten about other plans or something. I feel pretty guilty.

Just getting this off my chest,

Views: 2382 | Comments: 2

In General Starting out Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 07-04-2005 10:23 AM
Im starting an aikiblog because i found out what they were. (im stupid) so .. i guess from now on i will be writing about my aikido experiences on here.

Views: 2341

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