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I went to my second class yesterday, once again I can't say enough how much I like this. The Sensei showed us nikyo and gokyo then he showed us some things that you can do to alter the techinque to do certain things. he showed me what he called "stirring the pot" which after doing gokyo puts the uke on their stomach and locks up their wrists. It was so cool. Can't wait to the next one.
Hi, My name is Mike Ordway (as you can probably tell) This is my akiblog.
Well, now that introductions are out of the way lets get on with the bloggage:
I started Aikido last Thursday and was immidietly enthused. I learned the way we start class, break falls, 6 techniques (won't even try to guess what they were called in fear of humiliating myself lol) and the way we and class. I also learned that the guys in my class are great guys and the sensei is also a great guy. It was a heck of alot of fun and I can't wait to see what is in store for tonight.