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7th kyu...forever? Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 07-09-2008 10:03 PM
I hope to feel that way about my Aikido for as long as I train.
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Entries: 2
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In General 7th Kyu Test Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 08-06-2008 10:40 PM
I tested for my 7th kyu tonight.

I think that I did an okay job. There was definitely room for improvement. Unfortunately I probably won't know the results for another week or two.

After the test Sensei gave me pointers on my techniques.
-Applying ikkyo at more of a 45 degree angle from uke
-Stepping with the inside foot while pinning uke
-Rolling fingers back towards uke during kotegaeshi

Keeping my fingers crossed.
Views: 5034

In General 4 Months In... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 07-09-2008 10:14 PM
This month marks my 4th month of training. Though i'm still very new to Aikido, I have to say that things are starting to make a little more sense. And I mean a little.

I was asked by my Sensei tonight after class whether or not I wanted to test for rank in the Aikikai. I thought it was very thoughtful of him and showed just how nice of a guy he really is. He told me that my decision to formally test would have no effect on my standing or training in the class and was purely for my benefit if I decided to.

I came from a MMA school that put little to no emphasis on testing. I trained there for nearly 3 years and only tested once. Not because I didn't know the material, I just didn't care to get rank.

For me, Aikido is the only martial art that i've ever taken that I feel I would like to continue training in as far as i'm able to go. I informed him that I would indeed like to test for my 6th kyu and he informed ME that it would be soon. He told me that I would have absolutely no problems testing for this one and not to worry, but i'm terrible about being prepared tests. I know that I know it all, I just get too darn antsy.

Oh yeah, and a few weeks ago I was shown the "20 year technique." What a perfect name.
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