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Old 10-16-2014, 10:29 AM   #20
Keith Larman
Dojo: AIA, Los Angeles, CA
Location: California
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1,604
Re: Youtube: Kakari Geiko with Empty Handed and Weapons Techniques

Adam Huss wrote: View Post
There is a reverse grip chuburi that is not uncommon in sword arts, but it's generally about 1.5 rotations of the sword, Not the extra twirl. I won't comment on techniques, but I got the impression of an overall demeanor of arrogance and posturing throughout that out me off slightly. Very showy and deliberate movements that seemed done for purely aesthetic reasons. But I'm an efficiency nerd so I'm sure I'd be criticized as well. That's what's tough about commenting on YouTube videos. I will say his hamni handachi waza his back was nice and straight. that's always good to see.
Yup... On all points. Just a little uncomfortable for me, a sort of "Aaaah, a little too much here and there..." But... Some good posture and movement and interesting to watch.

On all the other stuff, I'm not smart enough to know the larger context and the training/performance goals of the individuals shown or the version of the art on display. Cheap seats are always comfy...

Quick edit: I've seen (and done) the reverse grip chiburi myself many a times. It's the extra twirl that bugs me. Superfluous movement and sword usually aren't in the same sentence. Or it might just be the voice in my head that is constantly repeating "Keep the sharp pointy end between you and the other guy. If you're done, clean the blade and put it away. If you're not done, don't flip it around." FWIW

But all that said... Things to see and learn in the video. And critiques as offered may be spot on, but also might be missing the larger context as we don't know all the training they might do. Shrug. One video of one day doing one thing. Maybe all the rest of their time they're naked, oiled up, hands wrapped in tape dipped in broken glass and fighting death matches. Shrug... Or they could be dancing with the infamous ribbon routine...

Last edited by Keith Larman : 10-16-2014 at 10:35 AM. Reason: Clarifying something

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