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Old 06-28-2013, 02:55 PM   #12
Dojo: Sakumeikan N.E. Aikkai .Newcastle upon Tyne.
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,266
United Kingdom
Re: What's in a name? sensei, shihan, etc.

Henry Ellis wrote: View Post
During the 1950s and 1960s, Kenshiro Abbe was always referred to as Sensei - I often see him now referred to as Shihan - Professor - Doctor - Hanshi.

Masahilo Nakazono and Masamichi Noro were always referred to as Sensei. I was surprised recently when looking at Derek Eastmans dan grade certificate from Noro Sensei - it was signed ` Shihan ` in 1963. I never knew Noro Sensei to ever use the Shihan title.

I still call Chiba Sensei - Sensei just seems so natural.

Henry Ellis
Co-author `Positive Aikido`
Calling Chiba Sensei Sensei or Chiba Sensei -dont we all call him this?While I know both his forename and surname I always refer him as Sensei in conversation with him . In correspondence by letter I address him as Chiba Sensei.As part of the student/teacher relationship one must avoid over familiarity . Even while being taught by juniors at courses I address the the teacher as Sensei , not Bill , Fred or Mabel.Some people call Chiba Sensei {usually in printed matter} 'Chiba' .Most disrespectful in my opinion.Cheers, Joe.
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