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Old 06-14-2012, 06:03 PM   #47
Dojo: Sakumeikan N.E. Aikkai .Newcastle upon Tyne.
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Re: My Spiritual Aikido.

Chris Parkerson wrote: View Post
The Essential Rumi by Coleman Barks.
Search YouTube for Coleman Barks. His channeling of Rumi knocks my socks off. A good friend of mine studied under Coleman in Athens, Ga. Instead of sufi Dirvish twirling, Coleman and Loring would drink and dance to Bluegrass music, Pylon and the B-52's.

As an aside, So many folks don't get it about these deeply spiritual beings. When Jesus, for instance, invited the tax collectors and "sinners" to his house for dinner, (Luke 15:2), that wasn't a formal dinner party. It was a festive party atmosphere where people reclined and drank wine (Luke 7:34; Matthew 11:9).

Smiling Deeply,

Maybe Jesus had a hidden agenda when he invited the tax collectors for a booze up?Assuming the said inspectors got into the swing of things, being sozzled maybe they then tried a bit of hows your father with the local crumpet.Jesus might well have asked for tax free status for himself and his buddies[Prophet charitable status?]and tax refunds all round for the population.Since the tax inspectors were probably Roman citizens , Jesus had a extra chuckle here.My theory has not been verified by the Church/Vatican but only time will tell.I am researching this in ancient Essene documents/Dead Sea scrolls the unexpurgated version.Cheers Joe.