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Old 02-16-2012, 11:04 AM   #4
Dojo: Sakumeikan N.E. Aikkai .Newcastle upon Tyne.
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,266
United Kingdom
Re: Reigi and the Aikido Hakama Fetish

Jørgen Jakob Friis wrote: View Post
Nice article. It occurs to me upon reading it, that I have wondered about this as well - but never being able to put it into words in such a precise manner.

I have trained with many people during the years who have been forced to stick to old garments simply because they couldn't afford buying a new hakama or gi. This is not so common anymore though. However too many tend to stick to their old belts far too long.

I think we should look our best while practicing our aikido - at least this is a convenient thought for me to justify that I have just ordered a new hakama even though I should have waited a few months

On a somewhat related note: It seems many dojo's - especially in America - tend to cover their gi's with embroidery, letters or patches from this or that association. In my point of view it confuses the eye and detracts from the overall impression. A small embroidery with name or style can be beautiful, but quite honestly all the patches and dojo names make people look like billboards. Any thoughts?

Jørgen Jakob
Hi Jorgen,
For me its a bit like putting on a comfy pair of shoes or an old sports coat.You get the fel of an gi.As far as advertising goes some guys look like billboards.Aikido so far is not following the trend of Judo , Tae Kwon Do fortunately. Thank God. These guys should rent out the soles of their feet.for beer adverts.There was talk years ago about addidas putting logos on gi , but I think this idea was scrapped.As As a Scotsman I would not mind if my Gi was a lightly heather coloured snazzy outfit and my Hakama was in the colours of the Black Watch. Must have a chat with Ralph Lauren next time I bump into him. Cheers, Joe.
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