Thread: Beautiful Uke
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Old 03-11-2011, 12:39 AM   #34
Dojo: Sakumeikan N.E. Aikkai .Newcastle upon Tyne.
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Join Date: Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
Re: Beautiful Uke

Peter Gröndahl wrote: View Post
For all we know, David can be refering to those who take ukemi to Chiba or maybe Isoyama sensei.

To my eye it seems that "Chiba-stylists" also take a very distinct kind of ukemi.
As a Chiba Sensei student for over 40 years the reason behind the method of ukemi used in Birankai is one of safety.Uke is encouraged to keep chin tucked in [this protects the head ].The legs are kept straight , together and up in the air, thus protecting the spine in particular the base. We also keep our eyess /attention at all times on our partner.A form of Zanshin training. We do not believe in a ukemi that includes a Uke rolling directly over his/her head.If this type of ukemi is done , one cannot see the partner for a split second.It can also be dangerous inasmuch that injury can occur if someone fall
s or is thrown on top of the other person doing a rolling rear ukemi. in particular on a crowded mat.Regarding Ukemi , we are encouraged
to full absorb the waza of the partner, use the ukemi as body conditioning, before hitting the deck.In this way the spine , joints get a good workout.We do not collapse while taking ukemi.We try and keep contact and stick to our partner until there is a total breaking of posture ,then and only then should ukemi take place .
Cheers, Joe.
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